The way you make feel (Sarah Paulson)

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The smell of pancakes filled the apartment. The morning light spilled through the floor length window you had in the living room. The busyness of New York had already started.

Sarah was still asleep, or so I thought, so I decided to make breakfast for the both of us. Turning my speaker on, my Spotify playlist started to play as I returned to the breakfast.

Meanwhile, Sarah had properly awakened as the sound of my music filtered through the gaps in the bedroom door. As the chance of going back to sleep drifts away, Sarah decided to get up and see what I was doing.

She opens the door and saunters down the hallway to the kitchen/living room where she was greeted by the sight of her girlfriend dancing in the kitchen to 'The way you make me feel' by Micheal Jackson with only a baggy t-shirt and underwear on.

"The way you make me feel, you really turn me on." I sing as I moonwalk in front of the kitchen island, completely oblivious to my girlfriend leaning against the doorframe.

After a bit more dancing and finishing the pancakes off, I spin around to set the plates down on the island. That's when I noticed Sarah stood there, silently giggling at me. The sight of her just stood there almost made me drop the dishes so I quickly put them down.

"Nice dancing sweetheart." She says, walking towards me and snaking her arms around my waist. I instantly blush. Sarah leans down and catches my lips in hers. "Good morning by the way, and thank you for making breakfast." She says as she pulls away. "Your welcome my love, now come on I'm hungry." I say, slapping her ass as I walk around the island to sit down. Sarah follows and we both sit and eat our pancakes in comfortable silence.

Sarah Paulson One shots (Sarah + characters x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now