Don't let them hear you (Lana Winters)

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It was day 38 of my non-consensual stay at Briarcliff Asylum. I had been sent here by my parents for engaging in 'lesbian activities' with the lady next door. What made it worse is that she is twice my age, the same age as my mother in fact.

Her husband was so embarrassed so they moved as fast as they could and I ended up here. I thought being 23 meant my parents wouldn't have control over me anymore, obviously I was wrong.

I haven't really spoken to anyone since arriving at the asylum and I had no letters from my parents or any of my family for that matter. Sister Mary Eunice spoke to me the first few days but then something changed in her. She was so sweet and quiet and shy, but now she's confident, flirtatious, and honestly quite cruel. I stayed out of her way since her change in personality. Iv spoken to Grace and Kit but not much, and the rest of the people here are actually crazy, they scared me at times. I felt sorry for them though. They probably wouldn't be as bad asif it wasn't for the inhumane acts practiced out on them with the authorisation of Sister Jude.

One person in particular had caught my eye though. Lana, Lana Winters. She arrived after me and for the same reason as me. I didn't know for definite but I could tell by the way she turns away from the women when we bathe, as though she's scared of what might happen if she's caught looking a second too long. I watched her a lot, from a distance. She's beautiful. Her short brown hair looked perfectly styled everyday, despite the lack of hair supplies. Iv seen her speaking with Dr Thredson who was supposed to be here to asses Kit. I didn't like him one bit. He didn't seem like a nice man, despite what Lana thought. She barely spoke to me but when she did more often than not it was about the doctor.

Lana had been missing from the asylum for a few days but yesterday, she returned. She seemed different now and she had bruises on each side of her temple again but also around her wrists and ankles. I hadn't seen the doctor around either.

The doors opened to allow us out of our rooms for the morning. We all headed out into the corridor to await our morning room inspection.
I looked around the corridor as Sister Mary looked around my room. I spotted Lana stood outside her room. Sister Mary came out once she had finished but stopped in front of me. She grabbed my face, pulling me closer to her. She then moved my face to look at Lana and then back again. "Stare at her a little longer and someone might think something is going on between you two." Sister Mary whispered.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lana begin to move towards us. "Don't take another step Miss Winters." Sister Mary warned, not taking her eyes off of me. Lana stopped moving as Sister Mary called for the other staff to move us all into the day room. I tried to get to Lana but she walked off in front.

I wanted to speak to Lana at breakfast and during medication hand out but she wouldn't look at me. She sat in a corner near a window. I didn't want to bother her. After around 2 hours of being in the day room, Lana slowly got up and cautiously made her way out of the room. Surprisingly, none of the nurses noticed. I fought myself to stay where I was but I couldn't. I got up and quickly
escaped out of the room like Lana. I followed her down a few corridors, careful not to make a sound. Lana stopped at a door and looked around to make sure no one else was there. I quickly hid behind the wall and waited until I heard the door close. I made my way to the door and waited outside for a moment. I heard mumbled voices. A man and a woman. Lana and someone else. The man's voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on who it was.

I swung the door open, revealing Dr Thredson tied up and gagged on the floor with Lana kneeling over him. Lana whispered to me, telling me to get out while she covered Dr Thredson up. Once she was finished, she closed the door behind her and dragged me further down the corridor into another neglected room. "What the fuck are you-" Lana cut me off with a kiss. A very unexpected kiss in fact. I pushed back slightly out of shock. "What was that for?" I asked her. "Iv seen the way you've been looking at me y/n and I thought that was the best way to stop you from getting us caught." She explained. "Do you like me?" I waited apprehensively for her answer. She nodded her head, yes. "I tried to stop it but I just couldn't, Iv found myself just thinking about you whenever I have a spare moment, which in here is all the time." She laughed. My lips turned into a grin and I moved myself closer and kissed her again.

Lana wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer, as I wrapped mine around her neck, deepening the kiss. Lana's hands moved slowly down my sides until she reached the bottom of my dress. Her left hand bunched the material into a ball so it was a out of her way whilst the other made its way up the inside of my thigh, edging it's way closer and closer to where I needed her the most. The slowness was unbearable and I became impatient. "Please stop teasing me and fuck me all ready." I sighed. Lana smirked as she kissed me again but she listened.

Her fingers moved my panties to the side and she began to rub her over my clit. Soft moans escaped my lips. The quicker she moved, the louder my moans grew. When I was ready, Lana slipped two fingers inside me and kept up her previous pace. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the whole asylum could hear me moaning. "Shhh, don't let them hear you." Lana whispered before kissing me. "I'm sorry it just feels so good." I moaned into her mouth. Lana kept kissing me in order to muffle my moans. If someone walked in and saw this we would regret ever being born. I couldn't even begin to imagine what they'd do to us.

Lana's fingers were pumping in and out of me at an almost unbearable pace. I gripped onto her shoulders and kissed her harder as I came all over her fingers. Our kisses became sloppy as I came down from my high. "Thank you." I sighed as I lent against the wall behind me. Lana moved my hair out of face and tucked it behind my ear.
"Anytime." She smiled sweetly at me before kissing me once more.

We jumped as we heard people walking around. We decided we had spent enough time in here so we snuck out of the room and made our way back to the day room. Luckily we both crept back in and no one noticed we had left or that we had come back in.

Sarah Paulson One shots (Sarah + characters x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now