New Year (Sarah Paulson)

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New Year's Eve was going to be very different this year. I'd been invited to a New Year's Eve party with my new friend Lily Rabe. Lily mother fucking Rabe. It felt weird becoming friends with one of my celebrity crushes but somehow I managed to keep the flirting to a minimum.

The party in question was at Lily's friend, Sarah Paulson's house. Yes that's right. Sarah Paulson. The woman Iv had a HUGE crush on for as long as I can remember. Not only will I be at the most beautiful woman to ever exist's house, I will be surrounded by other amazing celebrities who, to no surprise, are 90% my other celebrity crushes.

I wore the best dress I could find and a pair of clear heels

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I wore the best dress I could find and a pair of clear heels.

Once my taxi pulled up outside of Sarah's house, I messaged Lily so she could meet me at the door.
A few minutes later the door swung open to reveal Lily stood holding two glasses of what I'm assuming was champagne. She looked amazing.
Her long blonde hair was straightened and she wore a turquoise suit with a black lace bralet underneath. I felt bad but I couldn't help but look at her chest. "Darling you're staring again." Lily laughed before pulling me inside and handing me a glass.

I followed her as she lead me through the house. As we got further into the house the music became louder and more and more people began to appear. I had to stop every 5 seconds to stop myself from fainting after seeing celebrities I'd only ever dreamed of seeing in real life.

Finally, Lily stopped at a group of women sat on some sofas. My mouth hung open. There she was. The Sarah Paulson. Sat in the middle of a sofa. Like Lily, she wore a suit and a black bralet underneath but her suit was grey. She was surrounded by some of her closest friends. Amanda Peet, Elizabeth Reaser, Cate Blanchett, Sandra Bullock and Leslie Grossman. Sarah's younger sister, Rachel, was also sat with them.
"Hey ladies, thisss is my beautiful friend y/n." Lily introduced me to everyone.

I blushed and said hello to them all. I was so nervous. "Thank you for... um.. allowing me to come Sarah." I managed to say. "It's okay sweetheart you don't need to thank me." Sarah smiled up at me.

I could feel myself blushing even more. Rachel stood up to go and mingle, leaving one space next to Sarah. Lily grabbed my hand and dragged me around the coffee table in the middle of the women. She sat down then pulled me down so I was sat on her knee, luckily I'd drank all of my champagne so I placed the glass on the table in front of me. Everyone continued their conversations and I joined in a few every now and then... well I tried to, it was hard to join in conversations with women you'd only dream of being around.

After around half an hour of this, Lily leaned closer to me and put her hand on my thigh. "Would you like another drink honey?"

"Oh urm yes please, I'll have another champagne if there's any left." I stood up to let Lily out and then sat back down next to Sarah. A couple of the other women left to get a drink too, leaving Cate and Sandra on the other side of the coffee table, having their own conversation, and me and Sarah on this side. I felt like I should talk to her but I didn't know what to say. What do you say to the woman you've been practically in love with for the past god knows how long. Luckily I didn't have to think about it for too long as Sarah turned to me.

"So y/n, how are you?" She asked. "I'm quite nervous to be completely honest, iv never been around so many unbelievably beautiful women.. I mean celebrities, iv never been around so many celebrities." Fuck. Well now she definitely knows I'm crushing on 90% of the women in this house. If only she knew how I felt about her.

"I think you are the most beautiful woman here so you have absolutely nothing to worry about." Sarah smiled at me. OH MY GOD! Did she really just say that.

"Thank you." I laughed nervously. "Are you and Lily... ya know?" Sarah asked. "Oh no no no we aren't... we're just friends... not that I wouldn't... I'm not saying I wouldn't because well I do like women... oh my god I'm sorry I need to shut up."
I hid my face in my hands out of embarrassment. Sarah took ahold of one of my hands and pulled it away from my face. She held it in her lap. "Y/n you don't need to be nervous around me," she laughed, "and you don't have to be sorry for anything." "I think I just need to get really drunk and then maybe I'll be less of a mess."

Suddenly, Lily came back with the drinks, causing me and Sarah to jump. "Oops sorry am I interrupting something." She asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively. I rolled my eyes and stood up so she could sit down.

"Would you mind sitting on Paulson's lap for a bit darling, just while I drink this." I looked at Sarah for approval. Sarah moved herself back and opened her arms out slightly, inviting me to sit down. I placed myself on her knee. She put one hand on my waist and the other on my thighs. There's no denying how excited that made me. As the night went on and Sarah and I became drunker and drunker, we also became more touchy and flirty.

11:50pm soon came around and everyone made their way to the garden and I went to get Sarah and I another drink. When I finally made it outside and found Sarah it was 11:59pm. "There you are gorgeous, I thought you'd got lost." Sarah laughed. "No no," I laughed, handing her a drink, "I couldn't find any spare glasses."

Sarah hooked her arm around my waist and pulled me closer to her. I was expecting her to take her arm away but she didn't. She held me close. I wrapped my arm around her neck and continued sipping my champagne. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." everyone began to shout. "Happy New Year!"

I turned to Sarah who was already looking down to me. She slowly leaned down. I met her in the middle and pressed my lips against hers. I turned around in her arm and kissed her more and more.

"I think we need to stop before this turns into something... else... in front of all of these people." Sarah sighed. I smiled and nodded slowly. "Well since you won't kiss me longer, will you at least give me your number so we can continue things another time?" I asked. I have no idea where this confidence came from but I like it.

"My phones upstairs, why don't you follow me and we can go sort this out." Sarah offered with a playful smirk. I kissed her one more time before taking her hand and pulling her back into the house.

Happy New Year everyone 🫶🏼

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