Ch. 8

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"H-Haechan is that you?"

"Mom?" The tanned male said as he walked in further in his house, when he entered the living room he saw his mom with tears running down her cheeks, "What's wrong?" Haechan asked her as he walked towards her but was stopped when she yelled at him.

"What's wrong?! Where were you Donghyuck? Do you know how long I've been waiting for you since school ended? I was worried to death about you thinking- thinking that you left me too..."

The room went silent and you could only hear the sound of Haechans mom crying.

"I- I'm sorry my phone died and I wasn't able to contact you" he whispered, he knew his phone wasn't actually dead, he forgot about everything when he was Sungchan, he felt free and he missed the feeling. However now all he felt was guilt.


He walked towards her and engulfed her in his arms, "I'm not like him..., you know I wouldn't leave you, I just- I need freedom too you can't just keep me under your watch forever"
He said with tears in his eyes.


"Let's go to bed hm?" He didn't feel like arguing with his mom right now at all.

He took her to her room and laid her down and stayed with her until she fell asleep.
He quietly made his way out and went to his room. He threw himself on his bed and sighed.

The tears spilled out after a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, he covered his mouth and cried feeling pressure and guilt. Haechan just wished for a normal life, like the kids around him.

Before he knew it he fell asleep with his mind filled up with thoughts.


Sungchan walked into his house with a smile playing on his lips, he greeted the maids with a wave and they wondered if he was sick or had gone crazy. He felt happy and didn't think anyone could ruin his mood but he spoke too soon.

"Where were you?"

Sungchan stopped walking as he heard his dad's voice, "Out obviously" just talking to this man ruined his mood.

"Doing what? Was it worth missing your classes?" His dad said and Sungchan closed his eyes before turning around, "Yeah it was" he said and saw the disappointment in his fathers eyes, "I thought I told you not to skip your classes"

"I remember"

"Don't expect to see your car for a week"

"What?! You can't do that!" Sungchan said now getting angry too, "I sure can, I'm your dad" Sungchan scoffed "Oh yeah? Then please tell me when you started acting like it"
"Drop the attitude Jung Sungchan, I don't have time to tolerate your attitude"

"When do you ever have time for me,"


"And you wonder why I don't like you" with that, Sungchan turned around now with a bitter mood and he cursed his dad for it.

He walked into his room and slammed the door loudly, he threw his phone on his bed and sighed, he cursed his dad for being an ass.

He picked his phone up and went through his contacts list until he found the name he was looking for.

He hovered his finger on it for a while without clicking on it but did after a few minutes.
His phone rang for a few minutes until he heard a groan.

"Hyung, I need help"


Hi, if you didn't understand what this is, it's what happened after both of them went home and it shows the relationships between the boys and their parents.
I hope you enjoy it!!

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