Ch. 9

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"Get in loser"

Sungchan groaned, "I know I know" he climbed into the car and threw his backpack in the back, "so you wanna tell me what happened?"

Sungchan rolled his eyes, "I got my car taken away because I skipped class" Jaehyun clicked his tongue, "If you didn't I would've had extra hours to sleep and I wouldn't have to see your face" He turned a corner and stopped at the red light "Oh come on we don't even see each other that much since you're always busy sucking Doyoung hyungs face off" in return Sungchan got a light slap on his head "He would've beat you up if heard you" Jaehyun said a chuckle "I know that's why I'm saying it cause he's not around" Sungchan said with a small smile.

Jaehyun had left home 4 years ago since dad hadn't supported him being gay, Sungchan hated Doyoung at first since he taught it was his fault that Jaehyun left but he soon realized why and had said sorry to Doyoung. Ever since then Doyoung treated him like his child, and would always invite Sungchan over.

"Speaking of you should drop by, I'm sure Doyoung would like to see you" Sungchan hummed and was looking forward since Doyoung always cooked when he was over.

"Okay get the fuck out now" Sungchan blinked his eyes not realizing they had already arrived in front of the school, "I am asshole" Sungchan said getting his bag from the backseat, "Bye make sure to drop by" Sungchan nodded and shut the door and the car drove away.

"Was that Jaehyun thing?" Sungchan looked at his side to see Jaemin, "Yeah, I got my car taken away" Jaemin shook his head "I wonder why? Was it because you skipped class to go out with a certain person? What was the name Ha-"

"Oh shut it" Sungchan said but of course not in a mean way "Hmm I will if you hang out with me and Mark after school" Jaemin put his hand in his pocket as they walked through the hallway, "Can't. Doyoung hyung asked me to come over"
Sungchan expected a groan or something but was met with a jumping Jaemin "Can I come? Is Doyoung hyung cooking?" Sungchan sighed and nodded, "We're going to Doyoungs?" Both boys turned and saw Mark with his eyes lighten up, Jaemin nodded. Doyoung wouldn't mind having them over.

The reason why all three were close to Doyoung was because he saved their asses multiple times. They once decided to spray paint one of the bridges downtown which was a bad idea since the police caught them. Of course neither of them were planning to call their parents so Sungchan decided to call Doyoungs since he trusted him. They did get a handful of nagging but Doyoung had let them stay over for dinner which was "too good to be true" as the boys would always quote.

"Sungchan wanna talk about why you weren't at school yesterday?" Mark asked a few minutes later, Sungchan rolled his eyes "I went out for lunch" Mark hummed "With who?" He asked with a teasing look but Sungchan looked away, "Your mom" Jaemin laughed along with Mark but Sungchan was busy watching someone.

Lucas and Haechan were talking rather comfortably and Haechan was wearing a sickeningly sweet big smile. Sungchan could feel his blood boil at the sight, him and Lucas weren't on good terms ever since Sungchan found out that Jungwoo liked Lucas. It was more like Sungchan had started avoiding Lucas.
It was back in 11th grade when Sungchan and Jungwoo were best friends, Sungchan had this huge crush on him and had planned to tell him until he found out that the older male liked Lucas. Lucas was one of the popular kids and had everyone after him, Sungchan didn't really care he just hoped Jungwoo would be happy.
Jungwoo and Sungchan slowly became distant since it was a way for Sungchan to get over him, which he did but he does miss hanging out with the older. He also wasn't sure what was going on between Lucas and Jungwoo but he sure as hell wasn't going to let Lucas take Haechan away.

With that thought in mind, Sungchan left his friends who were confused and walked towards the two males, he honestly had no clue what he was doing but he didn't care.

"Haechan hyung" he saw both males turn around with Haechan giving him a weird look for calling him hyung, "What are you guys doing?" He had a small smile on his face which was obviously directed towards Haechan, "Talking" Haechan said and Lucas chuckled "I'll see you later I've got to go see someone" Haechan nodded and smiled while waving at Lucas.
"You asshole let me have a conversation with Lucas at least once," Haechan said, kicking Sungchans leg which made the younger wince "You like him or something?" Sungchan asked and Haechan clicked his tongue.

"What do you want?" He said changing the topic "You" Haechan gave a look of disbelief to Sungchan "You suck ass" he said and started walking towards his classroom. Sungchan chuckled and started walking towards his.


"Hi guys"

Jaemin smiled as he sat next to Renjun, "What are you doing here?" Renjun asked as he scooted over, "To worship you, we obviously came to eat" Sungchan said as he took his seat beside Haechan, "Hmm worshiping me doesn't sound like a bad idea" Renjun said and got a weird look from Jisung "All hail Queen Renjun" Chenle said and bowed his head.

"So is this like your permanent seats or something?" Jeno asked as he sat really close to Mark which the boys did notice, "Yup" Mark said and Renjun and Haechan groaned "Great" the tanned male said and got a hurt expression from Sungchan.

"Anyways wanna hang out after school?" Jisung asked as he ate a fry off of Chenles plate "No can't do" Jaemin said as he patted the youngers head "We're going to Doyoung hyung house" this earned Jenos attention.

"Wait Doyoung hyung as in Kim Doyoung?" Jaemin nodded "You know him?" Jeno nodded "We're cousins, how do you know him?" Jaemin looked at Sungchan "That's Sungchans brother's boyfriend " both boys were surprised at the news "we're related?" Jeno asked looking at Sungchan with wide eyes "I guess" he said and Jeno grinned "Hey we can go to Doyoung hyungs together" Jeno said and the boys agreed, "Can we? Aren't there too many of us?" Jeno smiled at Chenle "He won't mind plus I'm his favorite" Sungchan scoffed "What do you mean? I'm the favorite" Jeno rolled his eyes "That's not what he tells me" Sungchan was ready to argue but Mark butted in.

"So we're all going right?" He asked and everyone nodded except for Haechan "I can't I have something to do after school" everyone started whining "Why can't you come it'll be fun" Renjun said and Haechan smiled "Maybe next time" he said closing the topic and everyone decided to end it there. They decided to talk about different things and get to know each other for the rest of the lunch.

Time skip

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Sungchan asked Haechan as they walked outside, "Yeah I'm busy" Sungchan pouted "Come on you'll get to try Doyoung hyungs food" Haechan pushed Sungchan "Another time but I gotta get home so bye tell the guys I said bye" Haechan waved at Sungchan and the younger sighed.
Maybe they'll get to hang out next time, "Bummer" Sungchan walked towards the parking lot and spotted Jaemin and Mark by Mark's car.
All three of them had their own cars but Jaemin was too lazy to drive and asked Mark to pick him up. Sungchan lived pretty far compared to Mark and Jaemin so he usually asked Mark.

"Thank god you're here, did you escort your princess all the way home?" Renjun said beside the car next to them, "What are you still doing here?" Sungchan asked "Renjun hyung wants to have a race against Mark hyung" Chenle said sticking his head out of Renjuns car, "Yeah and I'll win so let's go bitches" Renjun said and everyone got into the car.

Mark looked at the passenger seat of the car and saw Jeno and got distracted for a minute, he regained his senses when Renjuns car passed them "Wait shit" with that he sped off with Renjun beside them, "Let's win assholes" Jaemin said and turned the radio on. Sungchan stuck to looking outside the window wondering what Haechan was doing.

"Are you guys buckled up?" Jeno asked turning back to Jisung who looked scared, "Yeah step on the fucking pedal Renjun" Chenle yelled and Jeno laughed "where the fucks my hyung and who told you you could cuss?" Renjun said as he stepped on the pedal.

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