Ch. 4

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"Hey baby"

Haechan rolled his eyes as he shut his locker, it was only his second day here and he has someone bothering him.

"Can't you find someone else to annoy" he said and felt an arm around his shoulder "I could but not everyone here's you" Haechan looked at Sungchan with disgust "Stop touching me" he said pushed the arm around him away "Don't you have class?"
"I don't go to any of them except for football" Heachan raised his brows "You play?" Sungchan shook his head "Not anymore, I quit but the coach wants me to play again" Heachan was a bit surprised "Why'd you quit?" he asked without thinking much, Sungchan shrugged "Reasons" Haechan also shrugged "Oh well not my problem" the older said and walked into his classroom "Bye cutie" Haechan ignored Sungchans bye and sat down in his chair not liking the attention he was getting.
He didn't like this class since he didn't know anyone but he did talk to some of the kids.

The bell rang and the teacher walked in "Okay everyone sit down" she said and everyone did "We're going to start on a book project and no you can't pick your partners I do" everyone groaned but Heachan was fine with it he just hoped it was someone he could get along with, "Okay, Joy and Seulgi, Kai and Jennie, Chanyeol and Baekhyun..." the list kept going on and on until Haechans turn came up.

"Haechan and Lucas"

Haechan looked across the room to see a tall boy wearing a football jacket coming towards him and the younger found him really attractive, like really attractive.

"Hi I'm Lucas" Haechan stared at him but regained his senses "Oh uh Haechan" he ended it with a little smile and the two males shook hands.


Sorry if this chapters short but I have a ton of school shit to do so it might take a while to update but I'll try my best to asap. Anyways thank you for reading and stay safe💚💚

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