Ch. 11

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"Guess what"

Haechan turned his head towards Sungchan who was sitting beside him outside on the benches, the two males had become close over the days they spent together in school and everyone was aware.

"What" Haechan said as he quickly did his English work.

"I'm joining the football team"

"Great" Haechan said as he continued working on his paper, "You could at least act interested" Sungchan said with an evident pout on his lips, Haechan looked at him up and down "Do you want candy or something?"

"We have a game this Friday you should come watch me" Sungchan said with a big smile "I'm busy" the older male replied without sparing a glance at the younger "Oh come on, think about it you'll get to cheer the best player on the team"

"There's cheerleaders for a reason" Haechan stated and Sungchan started getting sad for not receiving attention from Haechan "But you could be my personal cheerleader"

"That sounds awful" Haechan said making a gagging noise

"I'll pick you up"



"Done" Haechan yelled as he picked up his paper and looked at it with a big smile, "Pay attention to me too" Sungch said scooting closer to Haechan "I already said no" Haechan said as he put his work in his backpack, "But this is important, it's my first time playing after a while and I want you to come see me"

Haechan stopped for a few minutes as he felt his heart flutter, he turned around and saw Sungchan with a sad face, he sighed "I'll see what I can do" with that a smile started forming on the tallers lips that made Haechan feel butterflies.

"W-well I have to go see you later" as soon as he said that Haechan ran away towards the school leaving Sungchan by himself.

What the fuck is wrong with you.

Haechan cursed himself, "Maybe I'm sick" he was startled by a voice behind him "Are you okay?" He turned around and saw Mark with a concerned face.
"What do you want Markie-poo?" Haechan teased Mark, the said male slapped his arm and Haechan winced "You shit that hurts" he said punching Mark.

"I'm not here to pick a fight, I need help" Mark said with nervousness in his voice, "What would the great Mark Lee want?" Haechan said and Mark came closer and whispered "How do you ask someone out?" Haechan was tacked back "You want dating advices from me?" Mark nodded with hope in his eyes, "I can't ask Renjun, he's gonna give me death threats and Jisung and Chenle suck at giving advices. I don't even know how the hell they got together."

"Why not Jeno?" Haechan said teasingly as he saw a blush spread on Marks cheeks, "Well..." he rubbed his nape looking down, "Why would I ask advice to the person I'm trying to take out"

Haechan laughed "Well you came to the wrong person, all my relationships went down the drain" Haechan said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "Then who do I ask?" Mark mumbled with a desperate voice.

"Ask what?"

Both boys turned around to see Jeno with bleached hair looking fresh out the oven, "Woahhh when did you start becoming hot baby" Haechan said looking Jeno up and down "Since I was born, anyways what are you guys up to" he asked and Haechan looked at Mark who stood there with his mouth open and face as red as a tomato, Haechan elbowed Mark.

"I- oh... I have to wash the cafeteria" he said walking away, "What were you two talking about?" Jeno said squinting his eyes and looking at Haechan "Oh would you look at that I have to scrub my desk, germs am I right?" Haechan said slowly walking away and walking out of there as soon as he could.

"Weirdos," Jeno said walking towards his class.

Last school bell rings

Haechan rushed out wanting to stop at the convenience store to buy strawberry milk since it sold out pretty quick.

As he was running and texting his mom about his whereabouts, he didn't see a person walking towards him.

"Fuck" both males said at the same time as they fell, Haechan quickly got up "I'm sorry I didn't see you there" he said picking up the papers that had fallen around them, "No it's fine I didn't see you either"

Haechan looked up to see who owned sweet voice, "Thank you for helping me" Haechan stood there staring at the beauty in front of him, "I'm Jungwoo by the way"

The male had soft goldfish-brownish hair and a soft aura around him, even his smile was cute, "You're pretty" Haechan said without thinking and realized what he said after Jungwoo giggled, it sounded like music.
Could this man get any more perfect.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Haechan" the tanned male said as he felt a blush creep on his cheeks to his ears, "You're cute too" Jungwoo said and Haechan smiled "Are you new here?"

"Yeah I joined a few weeks ago" Haechan responded and Jungwoo nodded "That's good I hope you're enjoying it here" Jungwoo said and Haechan nodded with a big smile plastered on his lips.

"Do you need help with those?" Haechan asked pointing at the papers in Jungwoos hands "No but tha-"

"There you are, I've been looking for you for the past 10 minutes"

Haechan closed his eyes.

Why does he always pop up at the wrong times.

Haechan looked over Jungwoos shoulder and gave Sungchan a 'I'll kill you smile', in return Sungchan gave him a big smile.

He saw that smile slowly disappeared as Jungwoo turned around, he could feel the awkwardness that started developing in the air, "Oh hey Sungchan" Jungwoo said with a
softer tone than when he was talking to Haechan.

"Hi hyung" Sungchan replied with his volume going down, the air was filled with awkwardness everywhere and Haechan couldn't stand it, "What do you want?" He asked Sungchan and saw his eyes on him again.
"Huh? Oh I was gonna take you home" Sungchan said looking a bit uncomfortable and Haechan noticed, "Well I guess I'll see you some other day Jungwoo hyung" he said bowing slightly down, "Oh yeah I hope to see too soon" Jungwoo said and Haechan grabbed Sungchan by the wrist and led them out.
He felt fingers slowly interlocking with him, he looked down then up at Sungchan who had a small grin on his face, "So I can take you home ?"

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