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And that's how Heachans ended up in Sungchans car, he did try to run away but the younger man had been standing outside the classroom waiting for him and pretty much got dragged by the Sungchan when he tried to run away. It was embarrassing but the taller looked unbothered the whole time.
The car ride was rather quiet with light music in the back, Haechan didn't know what to say honestly and he didn't even know where they were going.

"Wait where are we going?"

Sungchan looked at the older for a second before turning his eyes back to the road, "One of my favorite restaurants" Haechan didn't fail to notice the little sparkle in the younger's eyes.

"And you're not going to kidnap me or anything right?" He asked jokingly "If I wanted you'd be in my basement right now babe" Sungchan said with a serious tone and face, Haechan got scared for a minute until he saw a smile appear on the younger's face. He started laughing and Haechan punched his arm "Haha very funny" he rolled his eyes and looked outside the window.

"Are you mad Haechan hyung?"

"Don't ignore me"


"I guess I really have to kidnap you"

Haechan glared at him, "I would like to see you try" Sungchan looked at him with a small smile "I think I could of how small you are" Haechan wore a shocked expression "I'm not small, you're just too tall you skyscraper"

"You're really cute I think I'll really kidnap you one day hyung"

Heachan looked at Sungchan and wondered how the hell he was so confident in whatever he said, "Weirdo" and Sungchan looked at him from the corner of his eye, "Do you like dumplings?" Sungchan asked and Haechan nodded "Who doesn't?" He said and Sungchan nodded "I'll make you try the best dumplings ever"

After a few minutes, the arrived at the restaurant Sungchan wanted to go to and Haechan noticed the giddiness the younger was showing.
"You're going to love Ms. Oh" he said getting out of the car before the older did, "Hurry hurry" Once Haechan was close enough, Sungchan grabbed the latters hand and started skipping towards the restaurant. Haechan was surprised at the way Sungchan was acting, he didn't really see any harm in him, maybe people just didn't know him well enough.

"Ms. Oh" he yelled when he entered the restaurant, Heachan looked around the place and saw that there weren't a lot of people here just a few, "Oh Sungchan" when he turned around he saw a women that looked around her 30's walking towards them.

Sungchan let go of Haechans hand and went to hug the lady, "How have you been?" She asked and Sungchan smiled widely at her "Well what about you?" She smiled at him and ruffled his hair "I'm good too" she then turned around to see a boy standing there.

"And who may this be Channie?" Haechan tried to hold his laugh back at the nickname "Ms. Oh I told you not to call me that" he groaned but turned around and brought Haechan closer by his hand "This is Haechan" he said and the said boy bowed at the lady "Well hi Haechan, are you Sungchans boyfriend?" Haechan shook his head "No ma'am we're just... uh friends" he said and smiled "Oh I'm sorry it's just that Sungchans never brought anyone here before" Sungchan rolled his eyes "Your embarrassing me" he said with a pout and Ms. Oh laughed "Anyways can I get the usual but for2 people" Sungchan said and Ms. Oh nodded before walking away.

The two boy sat at the table close to the window "She's sweet" Haechan said and Sungchan nodded "She's like a mom to me" he said and something flashed through the youngers eye but Haechan didn't question it.
"What did you get?" Sungchan stared at Haechan "You'll see" he said and Haechan pouted "Just tell me" but he only got a no.

"Here's your order" Ms. Oh brought them two bowls of noodles, dumplings, and other side dishes, "Thank you" Haechan said and got a smile and a you're welcome in return.

"Here try the dumplings first" Sungchan said blowing on one and bringing it up to Haechans mouth, the older ate it and was amazed "Woah these are good" he said and Sungchan smiled "I know right" they both started digging in and soon they got done.

"Let me pay" Haechan said as he saw Sungchan bring his wallet out "No I brought you here so I should pay" Haechan pushed Sungchans wallet "I can pay" he said and the taller shook his head "No I'll pay"

"It's on the house" Ms. Oh said and Sungchan frowned "You never let me pay" he said whining and Haechan giggled at the cute interaction, "Go back to school" she said and picked up the dishes "Okay" he said and got up to get the dishes from her hands "Hey give them I can take them" Sungchan smiled "I know you have back problems, close the shop sometimes and take a break" he said and walked away towards the kitchen.

"He's such a headache" Ms. Oh said and Heachan smiled "I agree" he said and got a chuckle in response "He's a good person just been through a lot" she said and Haechan got curious but didn't ask since it was personal.

Sungchan came back and the two boys headed out, "Thanks for the meal Channie~" Haechan teased Sungchan, the talkers cheeks heated up and were pink "Don't call me that" Sungchan said and Haechan laughed "Why it's cute"

"Are you blushing Channie?" Haechan said and Sungchan groaned "Shush" Haechan laughed and paid attention to the road ahead.

"Wait why are you turning here, schools that way" Haechan said with confusion "Shortcut" Sungchan said keeping his eyes on the road "Ive never been through here before" Haechan replied sitting back and not believing Sungchan, "You just moved here" Haechan nodded.

"It's been 20 minutes I don't see our school" Haechan said and Sungchan shrugged "It'll come soon" Haechan groaned "Where are we actually going?" He asked and Sungchan smiled "Somewhere, I suggest you go to sleep its a long way" he said and Haechan closed his eyes. Surprisingly he wasn't mad he was enjoying this right now, he got a little break from school and studying and he was happy.

Thanks for the support everyone!!! I can't believe I've reached 400 reads already, thank you and I'll keep updating for you guys!! Love you and stay safe🥺💚💚

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