Ch. 7

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"Haechan hyung, Hyuck"

Haechan opened his eyes and was met with Sungchans face "Finally" the taller said and smiled, "Where are we?" Haechan asked and Sungchan opened his door "You could say my secret place" he said and Haechan got out too now feeling awake "Woah".

They were on a cliff and in front of him, he saw the city lights and the sun setting "It's so pretty" he said excitedly and Sungchan chuckled "Yeah it is pretty" he said but wasn't looking at the view, he was looking at the tanned skin boy who was in front of him, "Do you come here often?" Haechan asked and Sungchan nodded "When I need to clear my head out or get a little break" he said and sat down on the grass "Hmm" Haechan hummed and sat down beside the younger.

"How did you find this place?" He asked and Sungchan looked at him "I was driving around and found this place" he said and Haechan nodded "It's beautiful".

Sungchan smiled keeping his eyes on the older "I think you're prettier though" Haechan scoffed "Do you ever stop?" Sungchan shook his head "Not when it comes to you" Haechan fake threw up "You're so weird" he said with a chuckle that sounded like music to Sungchans ears.

Haechan got surprised when Sungchan suggested they play rock, paper, scissors but he played it anyway.

"Yay" Sungchan said and Haechan looked at him with confusion "Why did we play that?" He asked and Sungchan smiled "For this" he said and proceeded to put his head on Haechans lap, "Hey I didn't agree to this" the older boy said but didn't try to push the younger off "Oh well" he said and stared at the tanned male.
"Oh hyung why did you move here?" Sungchan asked him and Haechan kept looking at the view "Reasons" he said and Sungchan wondered why.

"Why do you wanna know?" Haechan asked now looking at him, Sungchan shrugged "Curiosity" he said and the tanned male nodded.
"I should make this my secret place too" Haechan said and Sungchan scoffed "You don't even know the way, you were sleeping the whole ride" Haechan nodded "Then you drive me here" Sungchan got up quickly "Really?"

"Does it look like I'm joking?" Heachan asked and Sungchan shook his head "I'll drive you whenever you want me to" he said and Heachan chuckled at the way Sungchan was acting.

They stayed there talking for a few minutes until it got dark.

Haechan yawned and Sungchan got up.
"Let's go back" Haechan got up and they made their way to the car, soon they were on the road "What's your address?" Sungchan asked and Heachan put it in the navigator.

On the way there they got to go through the city and Haechan was enjoying seeing the buildings and lights.

"We're here" Sungchan said and Heachan unbuckled himself and got out, he was surprised that Sungchan got out too, "Bye" Sungchan said as Haechan was making his way towards his door, Haechan said bye too but it didn't seem enough.

""Hey Sungchan"

Sungchan stopped right in front of his car door, "Yeah?" he asked and Haechan smiled.

"Thank you for today and goodnight"

Sungchan smiled "No problem and goodnight Hyuck" he said and Haechan opened the door and entered his house.

Sungchan was really happy and couldn't wipe the smile off his face, he did a little fist bump in the air in front of his car before getting in.

This is the happiest he's ever been in a long while and there was one thing he was sure of,

He was whipped for Lee Haechan.

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