Ch. 3

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Both boys didn't turn around thinking that whoever was behind them was talking to somebody else, they picked up their tray and started their way towards their table, "You know it's not nice to ignore people" they both turned around this time to recognize the trio, "You're the one to talk" Haechan said and sat down at his table with Renjun who was kind of shocked at what the boy said and to who.

"I'm Sungchan"

The tall boy said, making Jeno scoot over who sat by Mark. Now everyone was looking at the trio and were surprised to see they were sitting by someone since they usually sat alone.

"Didn't ask" Haechan said and Sungchan ignored what he said "Would you like to tell me your name or would you prefer nicknames, not that I mind?" Haechan made a disgusted face "I'd prefer you not talking to me" he said and Sungchan pinched his cheeks "You're so cute" Haechan grabbed his hand and pulled it off "fuck off" he said and scooted over but that only caused the taller male to scoot over too, "So what are you doing after school?" Haechan tried to ignore him and get into another conversation but everyone seemed busy.

Renjun was arguing with Jaemin about not touching him, Mark looked like he was trying to flirt with Jeno but was failing by the looks of it, Chenle and Jisung were talking about a sleepover at each other's house.

"Hey hey hey" Haechan groaned "Don't you have other tables to go to?" Sungchan smiled "No not really I like my seat here" Haechan rolled his eyes stabbing his salad "I don't think th-"


Everyone groaned hearing that voice except for Haechan, he turned around seeing a girl with a bitchy expression "What are you doing with... these people" she had an annoying voice.

Haechan scoffed and Sungchan looked at him for a second "I don't know what does it look like I'm doing?" the girl smiled and pushed Haechan over and the latter gladly moved, "Mina I'm pretty sure you can see that I was having a conversation with someone" the said girl gave Sungchan her puppy eyes and the male wanted to take them out while everyone else was trying to hold their lunch in, "We can have a conversation too plus I've missed you" she grabbed onto his forearm and put her head on it "Stop will you, we're already over move on"

Everyone's eyes were on the table again looking at what was going on, "But-" Sungchan moved her hand and head then got up "You ruined my mood now" he said and walked away but not before taking a French fry off of Haechans tray and bidding goodbye to him. Along with him Jaemin and Mark also followed after saying their goodbyes too.

Mina gave Haechan a dirty look not liking the fact that Sungchan didn't say bye to her, she scoffed and got up "I suggest you stay away from my Sungchan" Haechan looked around and saw she was talking to him, he smiled "You can keep your Sungchan I don't want anything to do with him" Mina furrowed her eyebrows "Good keep it that way" and walked away.

"What a bitch" Chenle said and got kicked under the table "What did I say about cussing?" Chenle winced "You do it too hyung" Renjun was about to kick the younger again but he apologized.

"Wait what just happened?" Jeno said looking at Haechan "it's your first day here and THE Jung Sungchan is talking to you not only that, he's flirting with his whole chest and Mark Lee sat by me?" Jeno said the last part dreamily, Haechan shrugged with disagreement written all over his face, he just thinks that Sungchans bothering him "But that's not what's important, Sungchans bad news so I suggest you stay away" Jeno said and ate his burger "I gladly will, also who was that girl?" Haechan said and Renjun spoke up "Biggest bitch in our school, Mina Park" he said with disgust in his voice "Her and Sungchan had a fling or whatever it was but now she's obsessed with him and their parents want them together but as you can tell Sungchan wants nothing to do with that bitch and I don't blame him" Haechan nodded taking all the tea he was getting in, "She's stupid to even think Sungchan will ever stick to one person, he's never been in a relationship for over 2 weeks, if he ever says he's interested in someone it's for sex" Jisung said and Heachan choked on his water. Jeno quickly patted his back.

"What an asshole" Heachan said and started disliking this Sungchan dude even more.

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