Chapter 12

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"Are you guys ready?" Mark yelled and everyone started yelling as they agreed with him, the boys were currently in the locker room and Sungchan couldn't stop thinking if Haechan was gonna be outside to watch them.

He was kind of nervous and hoped that the older could see him play, he didn't understand why he wanted Haechan to see him play so bad, maybe he wanted to be complimented or play for a reason.

"You good?" Sungchan looked to his side to see Mark giving him a concerned look since Sungchan wasn't usually quiet on game days, "Yeah, it's just I haven't played in a while" Mark nodded before patting the younger on the arm "Your gonna do great your Sungchan anyways" he said and Sungchan shot him a smile. He was really thankful for having Mark as his friend, the older took care of him most of the time and made sure Sungchan was okay, he was kind of like a big brother to Sungchan.

"Hate to break it to you sexy bitches but we have a game to go to right now" Both boys turned to see Jaemin standing there with his helmet in his hand. Jaemin was a bit different from Mark, he liked to keep positive vibes to the people around him, most people took him as the funny guy but didn't see his caring side, they didn't see how he'd make sure Sungchan and Mark where full when they ate or when he'd always be there when somethings was wrong to give you advices that could help you.

"Let's go" he said as he pulled both of the males up from their arms, "We've got a game to win" he said and all three of them made their way out towards the rest of the group.

Sungchan couldn't stop looking at the crowd to see a familiar face, he was a bit disappointed when he didn't see it but saw Jeno, Renjun, Jisung and Chenle together.

He felt his mood suddenly go down as they started playing and felt a bit bummed out, but Sungchan still played with passion as he hoped he could win this game for his team.

He saw Mark and Jaemin run towards him as he had just scored a touchdown, they all jumped and hit each other's shoulder "Let's goooo" Mark said as he tapped Sungchans helmet as they had won the first half.

Sungchan smiled before his eyes automatically moved towards the crowd, but this time he felt a warm feeling spread in his chest.

He saw Haechan cheering with a smile on his face along with the rest of his friend group, he couldn't help but stare as the older had a big smile on his face, is this what love feels like?

He felt a smile spread on his face and he waved towards the older with a big smile on his lips, he saw Haechan wave back at him and Sungchan couldn't help but want to run to the bleachers and hug Haechan. He was happy he had something to look up to after the game.

"Damn I've never seen him smile this big" Jaemin says with a big smile, "Me either" Mark said as they watched Sungchan standing there with a big smile "He's definitely in love" Mark laughed before nodding "Definitely" Jaemin wiped a fake tear "We've raised him well" Mark chuckled "Yeah" he said as they watched the younger look like he just saw God himself.

"And Jung Sungchan scored another touchdown and makes Sm win the game"

Everyone cheered as they heard the guy through the big speakers, "Yes" Sungchan said as he hugged Mark and Jaemin spinned with the rest of the group "Hell yeah" someone yelled and Sungchan chuckled before pulling away.

"You did it!" All three boys turned to see Jeno running towards Mark, "Told you they were dating" Jaemin whispered to Sungchan " Yeah they definitely are but you should watch out for your man too" Jaemin looked at Sungchan confused until he felt a pair of arms engulfing him.  He smiled as he realized it was Renjun.

"You were so cool out there"

Sungchan turned his head to see his favorite person, "Yeah" he said as Haechan shot him a smile "You're not as bad as I tou-"

Haechan got cut off as Sungchan hugged him and rested his head on his shoulder, "Thank you for coming" he whispered to Haechan who slowly wrapped his arms around him "No problem I had to see what you played like" Sungchan pulled away but let his hands rest on Haechans waist.

"Congratulations" Sungchan turned his head and saw Jungwoo standing there with a small smile, Sungchan didn't know what to say so he returned the smile with a thank you.

"I wanted to see if you wanna come to eat at the Korean BBQ nearby with us" Sungchan looked behind Jungwoo and saw the rest of the olders friend group talking to each other, "Mark and Jaemin are coming too plus we haven't hung out in a while anyways so th-"

"Okay" Sungchan said as he cut off Jungwoo from rambling, he did kind of miss the older and the others so it wouldn't be that bad, "Okay, I'll send you the address" Sungchan saw the sigh of relief Jungwoo let out and he smiled at the older.

"Haechan right?" Jungwoo turned to the shorter guy beside Sungchan, the said male nodded with a smile "Yup that's me" he said and Jungwoo smiled at him "Would you like to accompany us?" He asked and Haechan was about to decline when he got interrupted.
"Yes we'll be there" Sungchan said cutting the shorter off, "Wait wh-" Haechan didn't get to say anything as he was interrupted again "Okay great we'll see you guys there" Jungwoo said as he waved at them before turning around and leaving.

"I can't go" Haechan said with furrowed eyebrows, "Yes you can" Sungchan said with a determined look in his eyes, Haechan shook his head "My mom will be mad" he said instead not giving a fuck about what Sungchan thinks of his mom still controlling his life.

There was quietness around them for a minute as Sungchan felt a bit of jealousy spark into him as he wondered what it felt like to have your mom care for you and worry about you.

"You can go if you want but I don't think I'm gonna be able to go" Haechan said as his final argument, Sungchan sighed "Come on, we've only hung out like once outside of school hyung, how about you only stay for 15 minutes and then I'll take you home"

Haechan rolled his eyes as he saw Sungchan give him ugly bright puppy eyes along with an equally disgustingly cute pout that had
convinced him, he groaned before glaring at Sungchan "You're so fucking annoying" he said and a smile spread across the youngers face, "Here, wait for me, I'll be out in a minute" he said before sprinting towards the locker room to change.

"Hey wait for me" Mark said as he quickly kissed Jeno's forehead and started following Sungchan, "I know you guys didn't leave me out" Jaemin said as he started running behind them after giving Renjun a charming smile and wave that had the older feel butterflies in his stomach.

"God I hate them" Renjun said even tough his cheeks were flushed, "Me too" Jeno said with a sigh, soon after Haechan followed "Me three".


It's been so long! My bad guys but hopefully i'm back for good. Thanks for waiting!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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