Ch. 10

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"Hey guys"

Everyone walked into Doyoung and Jaehyuns house, it was warm and had a homey feel to it.

"We won"

"No we did you were one second behind us"

"How the fuck would you even know when the fuck there's a one second difference"

"Hi too Renjun and Mark" both boys stopped arguing and looked at Jaehyun, "Oh hi hyung" Jaehyun closed the door as everyone got in.

"I haven't seen you guys since forever" they all turned to see Doyoung sticking his head out of the kitchen, "Hey Doyoung hyung"Jaemin said and he opened his arms and rushed towards him, "Hey Nana".

"Jeno!" Doyoung yelled out as he saw Jeno taking his coat off, he hugged the said boy tightly and Jeno looked at Sungchan with a smirk, "Hey Doyoung hyung" he said as they moved away "You should come over more often" he said as he hugged the rest of them.

"Sungchannie" Doyoung said as he walked towards the male with open arms, Sungchan turned around "No you like Jeno more" Doyoung stopped "No I like all of you equally" he said and wrapped his hands around Sungchan, "Plus I've made your favorite, lasagna" he whispered.

Suddenly a big smile appeared on Sungchans face, "Really?" He asked and Doyoung nodded ruffling his hair, "Yeah, you guys must be hungry let's go eat"

Surprisingly everyone had fit at the table and were eating with happiness since they loved the food made by Doyoung, "This is too good" Chenle said while taking a big bite, "Too bad Haechan hyung had to miss out on this"

"Haechan?" Doyoung asked as he never heard that name, "Oh you don't know him hyung, but he's really funny and cool" the Chinese boy said taking a sip of his coke, "Yeah and on top of that he may be Sungchans crush" Sungchan who was eating peacefully looked up at Renjun words, "It's not like that" he defended himself but his blushed cheeks didn't help "Ooooo why don't I know about this?" Jaehyun said while wiggling his eyebrows, "Our Sungchans growing up" Doyoung said wiping a fake tear.
"We have to meet him someday" Jaehyun said with a big smile, Sungchan rolled his eyes "I'll make sure he never comes" Jaehyun started laughing his dad laugh.

After they got done eating, they all sat in the living room and started watching an action movie, some of the guys were interested while others fell asleep.
Sungchan was wide awake and sighed as he got tired of watching the movie, he slipped his phone out and decided to text a certain someone named Haechan. Sungchan didn't have his number but he managed to find his Instagram.



After a few minutes of no reply Sungchan pouted but then his phone dinged.


Oh hi :)


Help me I'm bored


That's your problem not mine

Sungchan chuckled silently


Your so cute Haechan hyung


Your so weird Sungchannie

Sungchan smiled at the nickname and felt butterflies in his stomach


What are you doing?


Trying to study but you interrupted me


Oh I see I'm more important


Would you look at that my books calling my name


Wait no hyung

He sighed as he had no one to talk to, he decided to let the older one go back to studying while he leaned on the couch and closed his eyes letting sleep take over him. After a few minutes he woke up to see himself in one of the rooms he had named his after Jaehyun and Doyoung moved here.
He guessed Jaehyun brought him here since he was the strongest. He could see that it was still dark outside and sighed while turning. He stayed up for a little bit but let sleep consume him again.

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