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"So cafe or one of our houses?"

Heachan shrugged "Either is fine" Lucas nodded "I'm fine with either as long as you're comfortable" Haechan smiled at how caring Lucas was "here let me give you my number so we can decide later" Heachan nodded and let Lucas type his number into his phone "Well then I'll see you later Haechan" Haechan smiled "Yeah bye"

The younger bid goodby and smiled widely, the older boy had definitely caught his eyes, suddenly he heard a groan behind him and he turned around to see his friends "Oh my gosh no not Lucas" Renjun said with disgust and Haechan shrugged "He's cute and nice" Jeno laughed at Haechans side "That's my cousin and let me tell you how hyper he is" Renjun said while rolling his eyes "He's not lying, I went to a family reunion with Renjun and that boy did not sit down any second" Jeno said and Haechan scratched his head "I guess I'm into hyper boys?" Renjun shook his head.

"I'm hyper too"

They turned around to see the one and only, Sungchan and his friends "Congratulations?" Renjun said and turned around "Anyways Lu-"

The boy was suddenly pushed to the side as Sungchan took his place beside Haechan, "I'm pretty hyper" Sungchan said repeating himself and Haechan just stared at him with a blank expression "Don't you have a girlfriend to catch up with?" Sungchan shook his head with a grin "Nope I'm single, if you wanted to know you could've just asked me earlier I would've told you" Haechan looked at him with a confused expression "Why wou-"


Both males turned around seeing Lucas. Haechan felt a smile form on his face and he didn't fail to notice how Sungchan's eyes got darker, "I accidentally took your book" he said with a smile and Haechan smiled back with a light blush on his face as he grabbed the book "Thank y-"
Suddenly his mouth was covered with a hand "Yeah thanks bye" he was being dragged by Sungchan somewhere, he tried to make the younger release his grip but he wouldn't
"Lyt ao" he mumbled but Sungchan understood and he did let go "Why'd you do that, I was talking to Lucas you asshole" he said stomping his foot like a child, the sight was cute to Sungchan but his words, not so much.

"I see you have bad taste in men" the younger replied and Haechan rolled his eyes "No, a bad taste in men would be liking you" Sungchan made a hurt expression "I'm offended Hyuck"

Haechan furrowed his brows "Hyuck?" He asked confused as to why he was calling him that, Sungchan only grinned at the sight of Haechans confused face "You know being the son of the director does come in handy sometimes Donghyuck"

Haechan wanted to punch that smug face off of Sungchans face "Creep" he whispered under his breath while walking away.
He felt a hand around his wrist and was turned around "I wasn't done talking to you" Sungchan said and Haechan shrugged "I was though", the bell suddenly rang which indicated class was about to start. Heachan tried to get the grip off of his wrist but the younger had a tight hold on him.

"Let go I have class" he said struggling but Sungchan didn't budge "Let's go somewhere"

The older one shook his head "You can do that but I actually care about my grades and my dad isn't the fucking school director mister" Sungchan smiled "You're so cute Haechan" the said boy froze "You think I don't know" he said and Sungchan kept dragging the younger with him.

"I have class" he whined and Sungchan turned around "How about a deal?" He said and Haechan looked at him to motion him to continue.

"I'll let you go to class if you eat lunch with me"

I honestly have no clue where this book is going so please bear with me a little and don't mind if I change the chapters or something, school is making me lose my brain😔✌️

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