Queen Ghidorah (my version)

45 3 6

Name: Queen Ghidorah

Age: Unknown

Height: 6'6

Personality: Nice, laid back, friendly, flirtly(sometimes)

Power and abilities:
Gravity beams
Lighting manipulation
Ki manipulation
Gravity manipulation

Monster form:

Monster form:

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Manage to destroy a planet

Took on Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan.

Fought Spacegodzilla for two days.

Is a part of the seven commandments.

Is one of the faster in the commandments.

Durable enough to take hits from Godzilla's atomic ray

Lost against Spacegodzilla.

Was frozen by Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan.

Had retreated after meeting Durgil(GodzillaLegendaryRPG oc)

Was one-shotted by DemonZilla( GodzillaLegendaryRPG oc) before fleeing right after.

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