
65 3 56

Name: Mina

Age: 32

Height: 6'6

Personality: nice, kind, polite, respectful, playful, smart

Power and abilities:
Ki manipulation
God ki manipulation
Chakra manipulation
Elemental manipulation
Space manipulation
Portal manipulation
Dimension manipulation
God slayer mode

Has shown to able to take on the avengers and come out on top.

Has went against the void sentry.

Had fought She-hulk for two days.

Able to match the hulk and Thor in strength.

Able to keep up with Thor in speed.

Had once outran Archie Sonic.

Had been able to keep up with Mika and Yuri.

Able to hold her own against Cindy, Mika, Yuri and Fay.

Had escape the SCP-foundation.

Went against Xeno Goku.

Fought against Tatsumaki.

Had fought Ryu and Himoto.

Defeat Ryu and Himoto.

Had a spar against her friend, Konan as both were equal to each other.

Low self-esteem.

Sometime doubts herself.

Was captured by the SCP-foundation.

Kinda hates being called a tsundere.

Was heavily injured after her battle with xeno Goku.

Her Regenation can sometimes take time to heal.

Lost to Tatsumaki.

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