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Name: Levi flower

Age: the same age as Jessie

Height: 6'8

Personality: Wise, kind, nice, polite, friendly

Power and abilities:
Ki manipulation
Elemental manipulation
Overdrive( a power boost that change her ears and tail to white)
Chakra manipulation
God ki manipulation

Is the current leader of flower clan

Has been stated to keep with Jessie and Mikoshin.

Is mother of Alex, Maya, Ayla, Eliza, Lucia, Shula, Mercy, Becky and D.Becky.

Adopted Daisy and Dawn.

Manage to help defeat her mother, Saik.

Strong enough to keep with older sister, Aella.

Overdrive can be pain after she use it for about two hours.

Had been scared to face her mother after finding out she brought back to life.

Seeing her daughter and sister die.

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