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Real name: Amy

Age: 21

Height: 6'1

Personality: shy, nice, sweet, friendly, childish, mean, tomboyish, blunt, playful

Power and abilities:
Ki manipulation
God ki manipulation
Angel ki manipulation
Chakra manipulation
Elemental manipulation
Healing abilities manipulation
Hakai manipulation
Red laser ray mode
Portal manipulation
Dimension manipulation

Lifted a planet with small difficulty.

Fought the hulk and Thor.

Destroyed a continent when holding back against Mari.

Had shattered a planet.

Durable enough to take planet to multiverse explosion.

Has regenerated after being ripped in half by Thor(warrior madness)

Had went toe to toe against super saiyan blue Vegito.

Fast enough to keep with the flash.

Survive hakai.

Was train by Mikoshin.

Able to take multiversal attack.

Has stated to be able to endure metaversal attack.

Able to heal others.

Was blitzed by her older sister, Ashrah.

Lost against Ashrah

Had lost to her mother, Mikoshin.

Has been defeat by Mari.

Was terrified of Carrie.

Had been effect by her mother's death.


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