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Name: Charlene

Age:  21(in the shi realm)

Height: 9'6

Personality: Insane, ruthless, carefree, bloodlust, nice, polite(to those that earn it), tomboy, bold, a bit clueless, sadistic, smart, blunt, mischievous, playful, rude

Power and abilities:
Ki manipulation
Chakra manipulation
Tail beast chakra manipulation
Elemental manipulation
Reality manipulation
Energy manipulation
Time manipulation
Space manipulation
Molecule manipulation
Dimension manipulation
Portal manipulation
Soul manipulation
Soul absorption manipulation
Soul extraction manipulation
Shapeshifting manipulation
Sound manipulation
Power transfer manipulation
Power/skill mimicry
Conqueror's will.

Is one of the most powerful creatures in the Shi realm.

Created the deadly four which are Sora, Hinata, Irene, and Tamiko.

Her power grows the longer she absord Shi energy in the Shi realm.

Able to tank outerveral attacks from Drago.

Has made Drago and Lucy fearful of her.

Stated to have infinte stamina.

Smart enough to force Maurice to leave his family and friends behind and killed him.

Defeat Saik and Levi with no effect.

Able to face Maurice, Carrie, Misery, Jun, and Keres at the same time.

Able to match and stale against Carrie, causing multiple effects across many realities.

Is insane.

Her insanity had forced Drago and Lucy to chain and seal her away.

Loves strong and powerful battle.

Was defeated by Maurice, Keres, Misery, Carrie, and Jun.

Her regeneration was temporarily stopped by Jun.


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