Lady Giratina (my version)

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(Just my version of a human Giratina. I sort of create her a while back and was having on and off about her but now I decided to do it)

Name: Giratina Darkness

Age: Around Kush's age

Height: 6'5

Personality: loving, caring, friendly, nice.

Power and abilities:
Ki manipulation
Darkness manipulation

Is on par with Kush.

Had been able to hold own against Min and Ruby.

Train Yana, Alisa and Alita.

Is mother of Yana, Alisa, and Alita.

Have defeat Kush multiple time.

Had been able to cover a universe in darkness.

Brieftly fought against Knull.

Was one-shot by April.

Have lost against Kush on few occasions.

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