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Name: Jun Creation

Age: unknown

Height: 5'9 (adult form is 7'5)

Personality: Calm, nice, childish, smart, wise, a bit mischievous, tomboyish, polite, respectful

Powers and abilities:
Ki manipulation
God ki manipulation
Chakra manipulation
Elemental manipulation
white hole manipulation
Creation manipulation
Creation magic manipulation
Matter manipulation
Molecule manipulation
Magic manipulation
Reality manipulation
Space manipulation
Time manipulation
Conqueror's will

Is youngest daughter of Joy and Jack.

Is youngest sister of Jessie and Jenny.

Has surpass her parents and older sisters.

Strong enough to use creation magic, a dangerous, even forbidden manipulation to use by her clan.

Manage to keep with Misery and Carrie, during the second shi creation war.

After finding her older sister was killed by Misery, had manage to twist a hyperverse in rage.

Had restore a universe six after it was destroyed and had no drawback from doing it.

Is a goddess.

Is strongest magic user in all of exstience.

Her battle with Misery were starting to destroy omniverses.

Had effect multiple outerverses with her training with Keres.

Was able to learn and use creation magic, one of the two dangerous things among the creation clan.

Was able to temporarily stop Charlene's regeneration.

Had fought Circe and was holding her own.

Defeat Hexia with other emporers.

Has defeats multiple omnipotent gods.

Doesn't like begin call short sometimes.

During her battle against Misery and Carrie, her body had reach a limit due to her small size and had coughed out blood.

Hates being called a child or Tatsumaki 1.5.

Was defeated by Charlene on their first encounter.

Was a bit damage from a powerful blast by Circe.


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