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Name: Emily Shi Creation

Personality: weird, very competitive, can be shy, smart, kind, friendly, childish, a bit extreme perverted, bold, blunt, playful, polite, respectful, masochist, mischievous

Age: 30

Height: 6'4

Power and abilities:
Ki manipulation
God ki manipulation
Chakra manipulation
Hakai manipulation
Elemental manipulation
Lightning manipulation
Fire manipulation
Ice manipulation
Dragon slayer magic manipulation
Blue flames manipulation
Black flames manipulation
Creation manipulation
Soul manipulation
Soul extraction manipulation
Soul absorption manipulation
Blue spiral ray mode
legendary blue spiral ray
Ultra legendary blue spiral ray mode
Dragon force
Legendary blue dragon force mode

Battle axe

Feats:Has been killed multiple times and came back

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Has been killed multiple times and came back.

More perverted than Jiraiya.

Has shown to hold her own against an enraged Shazum and Wonder women and came out on top.

Nearly killed Darkseid(avatar).

Had destroy a multiverse with her younger sister, Emblem during training.

Had lifted an entire planet with no struggle.

Went against and fought Galactus.

Can regenerate instantly.

Is third oldest of her siblings and most perverted.

Surprisingly worthy enough to lift mjolnor.

Able to take metaversal attack.

Able to shatter a multiversal dimension.

Had fought against an enraged Superman(standard comic version) and defeat him.

Able to hold her own against her brother, Shay.

Able to catch Salem off guard by using the kaioken.


Is pervert and a masochist.

Despite her immortality, she can be
killed if her soul is destroyed.

Had her soul took by Carrie and

was in a death like state.

Was killed by Aku.

Has been defeat by her siblings on few occasions.

Was exhausted after using the kaioken many time against Salem.

Had lost to Lyime in a spar matching(though both held back)


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