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Name: Icha

Age: Unknown

Height: 6'5

Personality: Shy, nice, kind, polite, nervous(sometimes), fearful, a bit doubtful, patient, respectful, self-conscious

Powers and abilities:
Ki manipulation
Chakra manipulation
Elemental manipulation
Blood empowerment
Portal manipulation
Dimension manipulation

Help Celeste in battle with Sadie.

Can land a few hits on Sadie

Had defeated Sadie after her return with Lalle, Neja and Celeste.

Blood from powerful being give her a larger boost in power.

Some sunlight.

Was terrified to go against Sadie.

Gets scared if she feels that her opponent is much stronger than her and will submit to them.

After her awakening, she was given a large power boost from Aku and Osore.

Is a bit doubtful of herself.

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