Chapter 15

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Jedi Lux Bonteri Chapter 15

Lux Walked down the Hallways of the Jedi Temple, soon he was going to be sent off to fight in the war as an official Jedi Knight.

Lux Noticed Anakin and Ahsoka coming back from there mission in the depths of coruscant. But where was Obi-wan?

But then came behind them was a body covered

"Oh Shit" muttered Lux

But something was off.


A Day later they held a funeral, Anakin and Lux had their hoods on but why the heck was the Duchess of Mandlore there.

And why was Satine crying?

Lux brushed it off.

After the Funeral he saw Mace Windu and Master Yoda go into the Med-Bay, like any person would Lux Decided to follow them and what he found was that Obi-wan only had a few scratches and Alive

"Ha I knew it!" Said Lux

"I knew Lux would find out" Sigh Obi-wan

After that he was told more like threaten not to tell anyone. The Jedi Masters allowed Lux to stay and watch the transformation

To be honest Mace didn't help at all.

Later Mace Left with Obi-wan and Yoda led Lux to the Hanger

(I really hate writing for Yoda)

"Jedi Knight, you are now" Said Master Yoda
"Introduce I will"

Yoda showed Lux to his new battalion

"The 751st Battalion, Glad to finally meet you, they are" Said Yoda


Lux was now on a ship heading to Gaara

(Anyone notice the reference?)

"Admiral Sanda, what do we know about this planet?" Lux Questioned

"Not Much. Only that it's Shipyards and Factories are huge. Maybe that's why the droids want it" Answered Sanda

Lux went back to the main bay window of the ship watching it come out of hyperspace, He looked to the left and Saw Two other battle cruisers came out of hyperspace, A few seconds went by as the separatist war ship started to fire at them.

Lux walked towards the hanger, as he went onto the Gunship with his new battalion

They arrived at the planet surface, Him and his crew walked out and got ready for battle

(I'm not going to write the fight stuff because I'm terrible at it)

After the battle Lux wanted to make sure there were no more separatist on this planet

"Gold, Etot and Vur go and check the south separatist outpost and make sure no droids are left" Said Lux

"Yes Sir" They said

"Crog and Sax you're with me. We're going to check the North outpost" commanded Lux

They got onto speeders and went north towards the outpost

They scanned that outpost top to bottom and went through it two times to double check, after they went back to the city capital Lux went to go and talk to the Leader of Gaara

"Thank you, Master Jedi, thanks to you and your Clones Gaara can go back to normal" Said the Leader

"No need to thank me." Said Lux

"I think Gaara will join the Republic" Said the Leader

That made Lux Smile


After that he was up in his cruiser, He wished he could go and see the Naboo celebration, but he couldn't he was off to another planet

So Soon I will be adding Live-action Charachters to Jedi Lux Bonteri. I will be skipping a few episodes but right now if you want an insight to Lux Bonteri go to my Pinterst'


go to my Characters board and go under Lux Bonteri :)

(also there is some other characters...)

Also, I hope to be doing a Christmas Chapter.

But after two more chapters, there will be no more Danny Bonteri (step when the rebels time line comes)

oh, today i found out, that on Disney+ you can do a group watch so if you want to we can try to do one. if you have Disney plus

This is also the clone armour

Thank you to the people who voted for the numbers, Colors and Numbers ★'∀`★(I wanna come up with an ending line)

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Thank you to the people who voted for the numbers, Colors and Numbers ★'∀`★
(I wanna come up with an ending line)

welp gotta go and tend to my Snipers, Have a good day or night
(unless you are Stella, Tarkin, Bariss, or Nyx)

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