Chapter 28 (EDIT)

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Jedi Lux Bonteri Chapter 28

Lux paced around the Jedi Temple he couldn't go back to sleep after that dream. Was Maul going to kill Ahsoka? Or was it a dream, he should go to her, he should not

He went back and forth for a bit as after looking at the floor for such a long time and just pacing he realized he was at the training ground with the feeling of Anxiety around him as he summoned his saber and yelled

"Training sequence Tano 3" as the system responded to him as the droids started to come up and shoot at him as he deflected them and move came as he started to deflect more and more soon, he was lost in thought as a scene appeared of ahead of him

It was him but different, he was in a dark room mediating Infront of something he could not tell soon the scene faded into hallways of his Cruiser, but something was different he walked forward as the doors behind him closed and the ones Infront of him opened he started to walk faster and the same happened.

He started to run as the doors started to move quicker but soon the door opened to a scene it was a throne room but in the middle was a pool of blood.

Lux walked forward closer to it as the person in the pool of blood became clearer it was Ahsoka but when he got closer, he heard a laugh and quickly went on guard.

The laugh echoed through the throne room, but he could not identify the laughter he was just sitting there with Ahsoka's blood on his shoes and a burst of laughter.

Lux put his hands over his ears, but the laughter grew louder, he covered his eyes but still saw Ahsoka dead in the pool of blood.

It was something he could not escape

As he sat there almost in tears, he couldn't handle it




Lux was snapped out of it by his Master Obi-wan, he looked up to see his Master looking concerned as Obi-wan helped him up

"What was that?" Obi-wan questioned

"I-I don't know"


Soon Lux passed out again and Obi-wan carried him back to his quarters and soon made his way to Padme's

"I'm worried about them" Stated Obi-wan

Padme brought out tea and set it down on the table and then sat on the couch, Padme did notice that Lux hasn't been like himself since Ahsoka left the order he has been sadder and more distant from people the boy that used to make jokes about Anakin and Her anytime he saw them together he stopped, and he had multiple repaired quarters recently

She promised his mother that she would keep an eye on him and His brother before she died but Padme lost track of Lux's brother.

"I hope he will feel better she said," Padme said as she reached for the tea and took a sip of it and Obi-wan did the same

"This morning I found him in the training grounds, he was surrounded by broken training droids, and it appeared he was crying," Obi-wan said before taking another sip of his tea as Padme sat her teacup back down as she sat there in her thoughts

"And I feel like Anakin has been more distant too, what Is up with these boys" Obi-wan sighed


Lux woke up in his bed as he did not know how he got there but he knew one thing for sure, that Ahsoka was going to die but he had to stop it he pondered ideas as he walked around the hanger while he saw his clones socializing in the corner but decide not to bother them as he smiled and went back to thinking as he remembered about his clothing as he rushed to the seamstress.

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