Chapter 17

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Jedi Knight Lux Bonteri has been sent away on a mission that only the grandmaster knows about, while his brother Danny is helping Saw and Stella Gerra with the Rebels with Help on the way

Lux stood on the bridge of his cruiser

"Sir we are approaching Planet Willoan" Said General Sanda

Lux looked at the clone then looked back at the main window as the cruiser came out of hyperspace and approach the Planet

Willowan was banned from Jedi but Yoda gave him permission with the suspects that the sith could be rising again

But he really hated this because Ahsoka was sent to another Mission with his brother while he has to search for sith stuff while Danny could flirt with Ahsoka

But he Breathed telling himself that Ahsoka wouldn't cheat on him...

But Would Ahsoka Cheat on him??

That made him Anxious, as he walked to the hanger he bit's his nails while walking towards his fighter as R60 was loaded onto the fighter

translation: R1 will pay I swear Kyara too, they think they get a whole vacation while I have to work my ass off to make sure this Bonteri is happy

"What did you say R60?" Lux questioned

"Bip boop" R60 beeped
Translation: Oh Nothing... bitch

"Time to Investigate" stated Lux

As he started to guide the fighter down the surface of Willoan he felt a pain in his head like something was telling him that he would regret going down there but the Grand Master Picked him for this mission even though how much he hated this but he had too

The Fighter landed on the ground of Willoan, as he took a breath he jumped out with R60 not far behind him as the Droid scanned the ground around them


Lux turned around but saw nothing. He swore he heard something as he walked a stray from R60

Translation: Where are you going great Jedi knight?

Lux Walked into the darkness with R60 beeps getting quieter and quieter

As Lux snapped out of the train he was in darkness no floor or walls just darkness. he looked around in the darkness a memory-filled his head


"Try to catch me, daddy!" Exclaimed a Tiny Lux yelled running around the gardens of their Villa Lux was running all over the Garden grounds as his father caught up to him Lux Force pushed him back

Mina stood up from where she was sitting and ran over to her husband as he rubbed his head and looked at his son who was running around

"What is he?" Lux's Father questioned

End of Flashback

Then the memory shifted to another one and then another with Lux's father in all of them

Lux grabbed his head in pain as memory fills his head

With Ahsoka and The Rebels

Why did Ahsoka feel this way as she walked away from Danny and Stella? She loves Lux, not Danny. She grunted as she walked towards where her bed is and threw herself onto the bed

Ahsoka hated herself right now

Back with Lux

He held his head low

Why didn't he even remember his father's face until now? And some of those memories contained his brother

Why didn't he remember his family?


A deep voice came from the darkness

A dark hooded figure came out of the darkness

"They Brainwashed you," Said the deep voice

I'm sorry if I've been taking a long time to update, I've been having a few mental breakdowns... with Updating Jedi Lux Bonteri as much as I can and keeping up with the other story and my personal life. but it's my fault. and now after I'm done with Jedi Lux Bonteri. I have been trying to write 8 Chapters before posting the story and updating it once a week so

Gotta tend to my Snipers

Have a good day or night

see ya Friday for the next update

Corine OUT

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