Chapter 6

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The Clone Wars

Battle of Geonosis
Part 1

Lux Stood Next to His Master

"I cannot believe we're back here again" Said Obi-wan

Lux Has never been to Geonosis, all he heard was that it was where the first battle of the Clone Wars was, Obi-wan though Didn't think it was the best place to bring his padawan

"It is unfortunate, The resistance from the native Geonosians was stronger than we anticipated"
Said Ki-Adi

"The Same can be said for their loyalty to Count Dooku" Said Obi-wan

And Lux Saw His Best friend enter the room with her master that brought a smile to his face

"A fact that is often overlooked" Said Ki-Adi

"You're Late" Said Obi-wan

"Not Surprising" Said Lux

"Sorry Master, Ahsoka and I were busy routing the Seppies near Dorin" Said Anakin

Lux Looked at the Window, And in the distance, he could see a version of himself kissing the Older Soka but he pushed that Aside and than Ahsoka with her snippy attitude started Bragging

"My squadron alone had 55 kill" Said Ahsoka

And Anakin became Annoyed

"Yeah, but mine had 76" Said Anakin

"Show Off" Said Ahsoka

Lux wanted to comment but he kept it to himself

Obi-wan was just happy that he didn't have a padawan like Ahsoka and He had Lux that was more Serious like him about war but Ahsoka and Anakin were perfect for each other

"Well, I'm glad you two are enjoying yourselves" Said Obi-wan

"Hey, It's just a little friendly competition, Master, Nothing to worry about"

"Ya one that can get you killed" Lux murmured

Obi-wan agreed with Lux, and he didn't want his Old Padawan to get killed playing a game

"What I worry about is the way this war seems to be drawing out with no end in sight" Said Obi-wan

"Which is why It is crucial, our invasion of Geonosis meets with success." Said Lux

The Other two master nodded their Head in agreement

Obi-wan knew what the thoughts of Lux getting knighted were, they said to give it until he's 16 or 17 which Obi-wan thought was too young but Lux was skilled and could pull it off, but this mission will decide that

"Agreed, Ahsoka, contact the Outer Rim Command" Said Anakin
"We're ready for our briefing"

"They're already waiting for us," Said Ahsoka

"Our Ships are in position and we are ready to begin our campaign against the Genosians" Said Obi-wan

"and what about Poggle, and report on his location," Asked Mace

"It seems he's holed up at the primary droid foundry here" Said Lux pointing at the Building

"The factory is protected by a shield generator, Anakin, Ki-Dai and I shall attempt the three-pronged attack, through their defense lines a staging area just short of the Shield, Once we have landed, we shall knock out the shield generator, that is our primary target" Said Obi-wan

Anakin was ready for this Mission and ready to beat Snips too

"Isn't it risky committing three generals to one area of the Attack?" Asked Palpatine
"If something went wrong, we could be dealt a serious blow"

"To ensure that rise again Genonosis does not, Capture Poggle we must"

"Of course, As always, I shall leave the strategy to you, Master Jedi" Said Palapttne

"Our thanks, Chancellor."

"May the Force be with you," Said Mace

Than Palpatine hologram disappeared but Mace and Yoda was still there

"Obi-wan, discuss something, can we?" Asked Master Yoda

"May you guys leave the room," Said Mace

The other Jedi Bowed their heads and went to the Main window

"What would you like to talk with me about"

"It's about your padawan, we feel like he's ready for more but at a such a young age we don't know" Said Mace

Obi-wan didn't know of what they were speaking about, he Knew that Lux was a talented Jedi and a Smart one too

"I don't understand"

"This Mission, tested he shall be" Said Master Yoda

And then they disappeared and the other Jedi walked back in, and the Clones not that far behind

Obi-wan Hoped that the other Jedi Didn't find out about this Test

"Good Cody, these are the coordinates for the rendezvous" Said Obi-wan

"Yes Sir, when we hit the ground, we'll create a perimeter, there, getting past their defense here will be a trick, General Mundi will come across the defensive lines from the north, we will make our assault through the Middle, General Skywalker will make his attack on the defensive lines from the south, and we will meet at the rendezvous point at 0700 exactly," Said Cody

"If we meet with strong resistance, and are forced down away from the landing zone, Hold up until; we join our forces before attacking the shield generator" Said Ki-Adi,

"Their Front lines are heavily fortified, Look at that giant wall with all the gun emplacements," Said Ahsoka and she looked up at her Master
"That won't be easy to get past"

"Don't worry. We're not going anywhere near that wall" Said Anakin

"Just be prepared for Anything, Master Skywalker" Said Lux

"Come Now, What happened to all the enthusiasm I saw earlier?" Asked Obi-wan

"Don't worry about us. You just Make sure you get yourself to that landing zone in one piece."

"But Aren't you Known for crashing Ships?" Asked Lux

"Crashing Ships are a Hobby that I don't do much" Said Anakin

"Yes. I shall be waiting for you when you finally arrive" Said Obi-wan

"Gentlemen, if you are quite finished, we have a battle to begin" Said Lumiara

Obi-wan and Lux walked around the table to Cody

"Cody, prep the gunships, we'll meet you in the hanger" Said Obi-wan

"Yes Sir" Said, Cody

Lux and Obi-wan made it down to the Hangers, through the Crowds of clones


"No sir, I wasn't involved in the first assault on Genosis" Said Cody

"Well you didn't miss much" Said Obi-wan, him and Lux got on the transport
"Last Time, I was chained to a pole and attacked by several humongous monsters"

"That sounds entertaining"

"It probably was for the Geonosians" Said Lux

Then the Door closed and they went off into the air


Jedi Lux BonteriWhere stories live. Discover now