Chapter 13

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Jedi Lux Bonteri Chapter 13

Make sure to comment, I love reading them (But you don't have too) 

Lux was called for back-up once again. Now he walked through a mark-place type thing as he saw the Queen and Anakin and R2 wasn't far behind

When he caught up he saw Anakin with R2

"Nice Work, pal. You find Ahsoka?" Anakin Asked R2

Then Lux Jumped off from the rooftop

"So you've lost Obi-wan, Rex, and Ahsoka. I left you, people, on your own and this is what happens?" Questioned Lux

translation Yes, follow me

"You'll follow him, I'll find Obi-wan and Rex," Said Anakin

Lux Ran after the droid, he jumped up back onto the rooftop. When He saw Ahsoka dangling in a cage. He jumped onto the cage shaking it

"Well, Hello Lux," Said Ahsoka
"took you long enough"

Lux Stood up on the crate "At least I knew you had a nice view"

He jumped on the platform and lifted the cage that Ahsoka was in with the force, once it was on the platform he ripped the cage door out, then holding a hand out to help her out

"Are you okay?" He asked helping her out

"I sense a disturbance in the force" Said Ahsoka ripping off her collar

"It's Doku, I need you to get our ship. Here take this commlink" He said handing her a commlink

"Where are you going?" Questioned Ahsoka

"It's quite simple, going to find Obi-wan, hold onto the commlink and wait for Anakin's signal," Said Lux

Then he used the force to give him a boost when he jumped onto the building above

Ahsoka rolled her eyes "Come on R2, We have to follow Lux's orders"

Lux was jumping onto the buildings he felt something Anakin's flirting... "That poor man, I've learned his best lines are I don't like sand"

Lux shook his head but went back to jumping

Soon he was contacted and it was Anakin saying that He found where Obi-wan and Rex were and he jumped onto the ship as he took off

"Took you long enough, what were you doing admiring the View" questioned Ahsoka

Lux rolled his eyes, when he went to change out of the Armour and into his black Jedi robes when they landed him, Ahsoka and Anakin ran out of the ship but soon the ship blew up when the Jedi ran to the door which was stealed shut

"So much for our ride home" commented Anakin

"What now?" Questioned Ahsoka

Anakin spun the lightsaber around his fingers "we get through the old fashion way"

Anakin ignited the lightsaber than started to make a hole but soon a greenscreen appeared and it had obi-wan on it

"Anakin! I'm glad to see you but I'm afraid our host feels otherwise" Said Obi-wan

"Well can't make everyone happy, Master" Commented Anakin

"they're threatening to kill the slaves unless you surrender" Said Obi-wan

"it's good to see you're always ready to negotiate master. But I've enough bargaining with slave drivers" Said Anakin

"Anakin you must realize this is a fight you cannot win alone" Said Obi-wan

"Who said we were alone" Commented, Lux

Fighters came out of the sky, soon the hole was finished and the trio went through the hole, when a few soldiers came out of the sides while Anakin and Lux killed them, they looked back at Ahsoka who just rolled her eyes

Ahsoka went to go and free the slaves as Lux and Anakin went to stop the guns. Lux jumped into one of them and stabbed the first guy and went to the guy that was sitting on the chair

"Nice try," Said Lux before stabbing him, he and Anakin started to shoot down the other guns.

Soon he got off of the gun and caught up with the others. They ran onto a gunship.


After that Lux started to help the injured citizens while the others talk to the governor. Soon he started to walk back to the room he and Ahsoka were assigned too when Ahsoka caught up to him

"Hey Soka, How did the talk go?" Asked Lux

"The talk went good, I feel like it gave me the confidence to tell you," Said Ahsoka

Lux Looked at Ahsoka "Tell me What?"

"I'velikedyousincewewereyounglingsi'vehadacrushonyouforforeversopleasejustdon'tlieandtellmehowyoureallyfeel," Ahsoka said in a bunch

"I've got none of that" Said Lux

"I'll show you what I meant" Said Ahsoka

Than Ahsoka Pulled Lux into the kiss, Lux Pulled Ahsoka closer to him

Wolfe turns a corner and sees the Two padawans kissing. He takes on look at them and turned back around

"So that's what you meant," Said Lux with a small smile on his face





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AHHHHH. but wait there's more I would recommend to read the Palpatine's lines over and over again and stay tone because soon a someone called Danny will enter the photo

But if you like Voltron Mi Amore will be coming out next month and I hope with the chapters I'm writing right now it will update regularly until Part 2 of the series 

and soon when the revenge of the sith scenes if you saw my questions chapter a few new characters will be coming into this series 

Have a Great Day or Night 


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