Chapter 22

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Akito was running in the flames of his home, as he could hear screams from his fallen friends.
friends that welcomed him without any questions.

They Did not Judge him

Or talk about him behind his backs

Akito was running to his friend's housing as when he entered the code his brother figure was there in the doorway, as his brother figure had a lightsaber in his hand

"Join me or Die" The Brother figure stated

"I will never join you," Said Akito

As the lightsaber slashed against his chest


Akito woke up as he breathed heavily

As his door open

"oh, your awake, Master Bonteri called us at the bridge," Yuki said

Then the door closed again

Akito grunted as he stood out of his bed going to his bathroom, the bathroom had makeup splattered all over the counter, Akito went over the sink and turned it on and started to splash water in his face as he looked up and saw the make-up dripping off his face

And they revealed Black markings of a togruta

Akito hated them, he hated his father, mother, Master, and M-

"HEY, HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE!" Kyo yelled while punching the door

"I'll be out in a second" Answered Akito

The pounding stops as he sensed Kyo leave the room.


Flashback from a few days ago

"Hmm, Younglings Kyo and Yuki will be joining you and Akito on this trip Young Bonteri" Said Master Windu said as he dropped off the two younglings who were fighting each-other with two boys

"Aww, Fu**"


Now the two younglings were standing side by side fighting with each-other as Lux talked with Admiral Sanda


Yuki punched Kyo "it's not my fault stupid cat"

Lux rolled his eyes as Sanda kept on giving him the Report, He did not mind them fighting but after a few hours, it got annoying. The clones tried to break up the boys, but they gave up after a few hours, and after Gold ended up with a broken arm too.

Akito walked through the two boys to make them pause fighting for a second. And that was a sweet second for all the crew






Kyo got a chair out of nowhere and threw it at Yuki "YOU RAT!"

And then the fighting continued, as the Whole crew groaned as they went back to their work

Akito did not mind it because it reminded him of two people


"HEY, I WASN'T THE ONE WHO LOST THEIR CRYSTAL" Yelled Akito's Brother figure



"What are you dreaming about?" Asked Yuki

"Oh, nothing M-Yuki" Said Akito

What was Akito thinking Her, and Yuki were nothing alike

Lux whispered something in Akito ear as they laughed as they nodded their heads

"I AM- "Kyo yelled as Lux interrupted him

Lux pointed towards the door "YOU TWO TRAINING ROOM NOW!"

The whole room went quiet

The usually calm and Kind man he...

Lux Screamed?

The two boys walked to the training room with their head downs

Fun fact

In November I was thinking about putting all of my books on hold

so remember right now if I decide to put my books on hold this one would have been chapter 11 lol

I kinda forget to update all of my books and I kept on saying tomorrow i will update but i never did and sorry bout that

But Like always (Holy sugar i sound like a youtube)

I gotta go and tend to my snipers

Have a good day or night CORINE OUT

Jedi Lux BonteriWhere stories live. Discover now