Chapter 12

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Jedi Lux Bonteri Chapter 12

Lux Stood on the Deck with Obi-wan and Anakin looking at the Planet

"All clear, sir. There are no
Separatist craft in the system." Said, Cody

The group started to walk towards the door, as they talked. Lux always found it hard to believe that all these peaceful planets were being taken over by the separatist

"It's been 10 rotations
since Master Yoda's transmission." Said Anakin

"I just hope we're not too late." Said, Lux

- "Rex. Take us down." Said Obi-wan
"Yes, sir." Answered Rex

"Lux, I want you to stay here, just in case battle cruisers show up" Said Obi-wan

"Of Course, Master," Said Lux

, Anakin went ahead to check up on Ahsoka, while when Obi-wan Walked Forward towards the door and notice something was off

"Is something wrong?" Questioned Obi-wan,

The Master turned to face his Padawan, Lux Didn't Know how much of this war he could take, He watches so many Clones die but there was no sadness about their deaths, their bodies were just burned and it was like that clone never existed and that bothered Lux

"Nothing Master," Said Lux,

Obi-wan knew he was lying but dismissed it

Ahsoka soon Comm Lux

"Anakin was a slave" That is all she said before hanging up

"Makes sense, Anakin really doesn't have any self-control" Said Lux, but no one heard him

Soon Lux was told to do a Bio Scan of the planet, when he did, he found no one on the planet so then the admiral did a scan and still found nothing after that they contacted the Jedi Council

"General Skywalker, Me and Padawan Bonteri ran the Bio-Scan twice and but the results were negative." Said the Admiral

Anakin stepped forward "Are you saying the colonist are not in the city?"

"We're saying they're not even on the planet, the Entire population appears to have simply vanished," Said Lux

Ahsoka looked at Lux in sadness, she could not believe it

"Vanished? That's impossible. Those are my people" Said Ahsoka

Obi-wan stroke his beard, Anakin felt bad for his padawan, he remembered when he was younger watching slaves get slaughter by there master and he always hated it

"Troubling is the return of the Zygerrians." Said Master Yoda

"It is likely they mean to use Doku to rebuild their slaver empire." Said, Plo Koon

"We cannot allow that, Master," Said Anakin

"Agree I do, but first find the colonist you must. In great danger they are." Said Yoda

Plo Koon could sense something was disturbing Master Yoda

"What is it, Master?" Questioned Plo Koon

"Sense I do a darker hand in this mystery. Slavery, a great tool it is" Said Master Yoda

Lux Thought for a moment, wait are they going to start doing Slavery? Like he knows it is a great tool. Master Yoda just said that but are they going this dark. Lux better get out of this

"for the rise of the Sith" Said Yoda

Lux sighed in relief.

They are not doing slavery

Somewhere else on coruscant

"You Think Jedi Lux Bonteri would be a good asset to our future plans?" Questioned Doku

"I've sensed a change in Bonteri, he is almost there," Said Darth Sidious

Soon Doku hologram faded

"Bonteri and Skywalker will be quite a Duo," Said Darth Sidious

*Cue dark music*

An Update? Wow

I've been writing other stories; I know I should be writing this one but soon Imma do a Voltron and Star Wars Cross-over and two more Voltron fiction

*Cheers in background* (I hope)

And two other stories also soon on the day I released my first fan fiction Rise of the grey Jedi, Imma be re-writing it and by that time I hope Jedi Lux Bonteri will be finished

Also, hope yall enjoy the new cover

Peace Out

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