Chapter 27

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(HEY THERE, If you are wondering who Lux Bonteri looks like In Live-Action you can go to the Cast Chapter but if you do not, he is played by Timothee Chalmette. But Also, Some Parts of Revenge of the Sith will be cut out so sorry if there is a part that you wanted to see Lux in or something like that, I can always include it in my Extras that will be out when this book is done. We will let us get on with the story)

Revenge of the Sith: Time of Scene 18:50

"And-" Said general grievous while he coughed
"Anakin Skywalker and Lux Bonteri"

Anakin and Lux turned their heads to meet their eyes with the robotic maniac

"I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little... Older." Grievous said as he was faced to face with Anakin

But Anakin fired back "General Grievous. You're shorter than I expected."

The General coughed "Jedi scum."

"We have a job to do, Anakin, Try not to upset him," Obi-wan said

But then R2 beeped and chirps but then the General coughed again as he grabbed the lightsabers and

"Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection."

Grievous lifted his arm and put the three Jedi Lightsabers in with the other sabers that he stole from other Jedi

"Not this time. and this time, you won't escape." Obi-wan said with great confidence

"R2" Anakin Yelled

Then R2 started to show his weapons and started to kill the droids as sparks and guns went off as R2 squealed

And then the Jedi got back their lightsabers and destroyed their handcuffs as the General Yelled orders

"Crush Them!"

The Alarms started blaring as Lux kick back the droid and sliced the other one

"Make them Suffer!"

Soon a fight broke out as the Chancellor stood there calmly as he watched the Jedi kill the droids but then the droids started to drag him (?)

But the Jedi were too busy fighting the General but as soon as all the droids were destroyed the General started to make his escape

"You lose, General Kenobi," Grievous said as he threw the staff at the window and the droid was shot out into space as the Jedi hold on to the railings of the bridge as they watched the General escape but then The Chancellor saved them by shutting the emergency windows as the three Jedi gasped for air

But it was not over as more droids swarm the area and the Lux went back to fighting the droids but as soon the three Jedi killed all the droids they heard the Alarm

"All the escape pods have been launched." Said Anakin

"Grievous," Lux said

"Can you fly a cruiser like this?" Questioned Obi-wan

"You mean, do I know how to land what's left of this thing?" questioned Anakin

"Well?" Lux questioned

"Well, under the circumstances, I'd say the ability to pilot this thing is irrelevant. Strap yourselves in" Answered Anakin

As Lux sat down and strapped his self in

"Open all hatches. Extend all flaps and drag fins." Anakin commanded

As Lux and Obi-wan started to press buttons

Jedi Lux BonteriWhere stories live. Discover now