Chapter 5

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The Clone Wars

"Good Work, go and get some rest" Said Obi-wan

"Thank you master" Said Lux

He went off to his and Ahsoka quartars, and Ahsoka was already there watching some Holonet, and he sat down next to her


"Ya Lux"

He was about to answer but than his comm went off

"This Is Lux"

"Lux we are being sent to a mission on Naboo" Said Obi-wan
"By any chance Is Ahsoka with you?"

"I'm here Master" Said Ahsoka

"Yes, Me, Anakin, Ahsoka and Lux are being sent to Naboo, be ready in 5 minutes and be at the Hangers" Said Obi-wan

"Yes master" Both Ahsoka and Lux said, they got up and went to the Hanger


They Arrived in Naboo and walked out of the Gunship

"General Kenobi, Anakin we're so glad-" Said the Captain but Anakin interput him

"Where is Senator Amidala?" Asked Anakin

"She went looking for the lab"

'And YOU LET HER GO" Said Anakin

"Senator Padme can be very hard to stop once she has made up her mind" Said C3PO

"Good Point, I know what you mean"

"Anakin what are you referring to, is that mean you guys Kissed" Said Lux

"Lux! Said Ahsoka"

Anakin ignore him

"This is Peppi Bow, she was the last person to see them" Said The Captain
"Padme sent her here to safety"

"Theysa looking for the sick maker" Said Peppi

"They?" Asked Obi-wan Asked

Lux stroke where his beard should be

"Representative Binks was with her" Said the Captain

R2-D2 beeped

"Go with the Gungan" Said Anakin, and he turned around to face Lux and Ahsoka
"See if you can find them"

"You've got it Master" Said Ahsoka taking Lux's hand and they walked off with the Gungan

"Youessa are Cute together" said Peppi

"We aren't together" Said Ahsoka

(Cue Sad music)

Lux looked deafeatd, sad, wanted to die at the moment

But they got on a thing and went ridding into the swamp

"Dis da ship belonging to them" Said Peppi

"So where are they?" Asked Ahsoka

Then they got down, and Peppi got lifted up and Lux Put Ahsoka on his back

"Peppi it's a scoop don't let them see you" Said Lux

And than Lux got Peppi off the scoop and the scoop went back down

And then Ahsoka contacted Anakin

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