three - rockefellar

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as i was walking hand in hand with the love of my life down the busy streets of new york, my eyes landed on the gorgeous lighted tree.
i gasped in awe and inched to be closer to it.
the weather was cold enough to see your own breath and soothing sips of hot chocolate craved. christmas time was always a busy time of year in new york.

it was busy in general. but this year was something special. i was able to bring the famous peter parker himself to new york. well, not peter parker, but his actor, tom holland. he had never been to new york during christmas and it only felt right to bring him here. our whole trip i brought him to every place including my home town. i was familiar of the big apple myself, which was one of the things that caught tom's eye when we first met.

ironically we met at an ice skating rink.

i was the clumsiest person in the whole rink and fell right on top of him when i attempted to skate by him. i was with friends when we were at the rink and they were all aware of my skating skills. which only made them push me more and tease at me more. i said to them,

"hey look at that cute guy over there! he kinda looks like tom holland," to which they responded,

"well? go shoot your shot!" and merely pushed me.

of course at that moment any part of new york left me and i was like a coward. but when i thought i had finally got the hang of skating i let go of the railing only to immediately cling onto the next thing i saw while i tripped and tumbled over myself. i landed onto tom and frantically apologized. it was the most embarrassing thing in the world.

and it wasn't until he said,

"oh it's alright! here," and gave me his hand while laughing. i had stuttered and said

"y-y-you're t-tom h-hol-land," while i kept apologizing. he brought his finger to my lip to hush me while he hid back under his disguise before he left. i was embarrassed and in utter shock as all my friends laughed at me. the rest of our time at the ice skating rink i sent glances over to tom the whole time even if it caused my to get a few bruises. but when I saw him walk out the door i realized i wouldn't see him again.

at least that's what i thought.

one thing led to another and yet somehow we ran into each other yet again and decided that it was "fate."

as we walked closer and closer to the rockefeller ice skating rink i began to tug on tom's sweater.

"you seem rather excited," he laughed.

"well yeah, the whole reason we met was thanks to ice skating. and now we get to go ice skating in the best place to be! and around the holidays!" i blushed as i started to pick up the pace. at this point we started to run and rushed to grab our skates just to get on the ice. my skills were as great as they were back when we first met. tom constantly teasing at me while he glided laps around me as i clung to the side of the rail.

"this really isn't fair y'know!" i shouted as he spun around while sticking out his tongue. he shifted over to me and took my hands.

"alright, here's the basics, take a step and glide, take a step and glide, take a step and glide," he slowly guided me to skating.

"oh what a wonderful teacher you make," i glared.

he gave his stupidly adorable laugh before he did the unexpected. his hands found my waist and spun me around to where our faces were inches apart. everything had stopped moving and it was just the two of us, standing in the cold breeze with the dancing lights around us. he smirked slightly and leaned in. my breath was short and was taken away within an instant. tom pushed me backwards with as much strength as he could causing me to lose complete balance.

i cursed as i slipped and fell, the ice skates easily bruising my butt. tom started to laugh uncontrollably which made me resort to throwing my scarf at him that made him lose his balance and fall to the ground. we sat there blankly and bursted out laughing. people gave us odd looks and didn't even recognize tom.

i smiled and tried to push myself up but only managed to completely fall every attempt. a giggling tom helped me up and smiled as he held my waist tightly. this time securing he wouldn't let go. he looked down at me, a gleaming look in his eyes. his chocolate brown eyes practically glowed as his breathtaking smile inched onto his face.

"you're beautiful, you do know that right?"
he kissed the top of my forehead. i blushed immensely and lacked a cunning comeback.

"oh stop it," i waved him off, hiding my face.

"y/n what did i tell you about hiding your face from me?" he cupped my chin in his hands.

"to not hide it," i mumbled.

"exactly. so show me that darling face of yours and let me give you a kiss," he cocked an eyebrow up.

his hands found their way back to my waist and he lifted me up ever so gently while our lips intertwined. the kiss was cold at first but immediately warmed up by our bodies interlocking. his lips moved with mine and i was left breathless.

"that was nice," i meekly said.

"let's do it again," his finger grazed my lip and once again he pushed me away causing me to fall flat on my back.

"SOMETIMES I DESPISE YOU," i shouted as he glided away from me and continued to do multiple laps. i laughed as his child like manner showed while he truly enjoyed his time here at this little state of mine. his eyes locked with mine and a rushing wave of happiness flowed through me. he glided over to me and gave me his hand as we danced on the ice, with a few slips here and there. but all i needed was him in this crazy world.

all i need is him.

A/N: sorry for this being a shorter imagine, but i hope you enjoyed!

if you have an idea or you want me to make an imagine just for you, go to the intro and comment where it says!

i can't believe christmas is in two days!!!! AH

lots of love,

liv <33

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