twenty three - affection

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"You almost ready to go?" Tom called out as he walks into your shared bedroom, scanning the room before spotting where you stood opposite of the full length mirror that was hung up on the wall.

Walking over to you, Tom comes up behind you, instinctively wrapping his arms around your waist over top of the fabric of your dress that covered your figure, resting his chin on your exposed shoulder as he watches you put on your second earring.

"Yeah, I just gotta finish this," you said quietly, reaching for your necklace that hung from its stand on your dresser. As you were bringing your hand back to unhook the piece of jewelry, Tom's hand lightly landed on your forearm, stopping your actions. You looked up at him through the mirror, slightly raising your eyebrows at him, making lines form on your forehead as you silently questioned him.

"Let me." He mumbled against your cheek as he placed a delicate kiss on your skin. You don't respond, but let him take the chain and unhook it, bringing it up to your neck. As he lets it lay on your chest, you watch him through the mirror as he focuses intensely on clipping the hook around the one latch of your necklace. You watched his furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes as he let his tongue out onto his bottom lip as he concentrated. Once he finally gets it, he lets go and lets the jewelry lay on your chest, and he not so subtly glances down to your breasts, smirking at you as his cheeks slowly form a pink tint when he realizes you saw his every move. With his right hand resting on your shoulder, you bring your own hand up to your shoulder and lay yours on top of his, giving it a quick squeeze as a silent 'thank you'.

You turned around to face him, meeting his eyes and press a relaxed and sloppy, but loving kiss to lips and as you break apart you watch another sly grin wash over his face.

You brought your hands up to the collar of Tom's navy blue shirt, straightening it out so that it laid perfectly against the rest of the soft fabric. You smoothed down his shirt, unravelling the bumps as your hands travelled over his shoulders, feeling his biceps protrude through the shirt, making the fabric tighten around his skin, and down his front, feeling the outline of his prominent abs through his soft shirt. You pay close attention, making sure you didn't miss a single spot while also trying not to distract yourself with his god-like body, that unfortunately was hidden- much to your dismay. As Tom watched you with pure admiration in his eyes, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend, tending to him and making sure he looked his best, without even having to ask you. When you finished, and lightly pulled on the bottom of his shirt, letting him know you were done- you earned yet another loving kiss against your lips.

Tom had been away for the past month, gone away filming reshoots for one of his upcoming projects, and like any other time Tom arrived back home, his family planned a get together, not only to welcome Tom back, but to catch up with one another. It wasn't that Tom was the only thing bringing the family together, but with busy schedules and other plans, sometimes time just slipped away, giving the family and plus ones no time to sit down and enjoy the moment with each other.

With Tom travelling to Spain for the filming of his project, you definitely did appreciate the time he spent away, because of how loving and needy he got towards you when he got home- and the tan that had set in on his skin, making him look even more jaw-dropping than he already was. No matter the location of where he travelled, or however long he was gone, Tom was still the same amount of clingy. With him practically attached to you by the hip, you didn't think he could get any closer. Random kisses every minute, always having his hands on you when he had the chance, you always cooed at how affectionate he got, and it truly made you realise how both of you were so in love with each other.

Tom's family had planned for a barbeque for the evening, with a fire, drinks and games- no different than any other time together, and you always loved visiting his family. Although Tom and you had been dating for quite some time now, his parents and brothers never failed to make you feel like a part of their family, and when you got to thinking, your heart ached at the thought of such domestic love from your boyfriend's loved ones.

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