eight - the comedown [ p.p ]

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a/n: consider listening to "the comedown" by henry jackman while reading this !

this takes place a few months after the blip **

You didn't know how to cope. You were lost like something had been ripped out of your chest- and quite frankly, it practically was a situation where your heart was taken from you. Like you had a piece of your heart ripped off and you were left with almost nothing. You missed him every day. You didn't know what to do with yourself, without him. You tried therapy, you tried doing the things he would do with you, that you both loved so dearly. But no matter what it was, you were living in a world where every corner you turned on the streets of New York, every morning you woke up and every night you fell asleep, you were reminded of the fact that you had lost the love of your life.

You had lost Peter.

The last time you had seen him, you had said see you soon, not knowing it was the last time you would see him ever. You hadn't even got to say goodbye, let alone telling him you loved him.

"Peter, please." You choked out a sob that you had tried to swallow, but let out- not being able to hold back your fear any longer.

"This isn't goodbye, Y/n. I'll see you soon. I love yo-"

That was the last you heard of him. Now, his name was on a large stone pillar with the rest of the other half of the population who had vanished. You visited it every week. Besides that, you struggled with getting yourself through a day, constantly being close to your breaking point and bursting into tears at any given moment.

Your parents had vanished too, so you truly were alone. That was until Steve and Nat were there to take you in and let you stay at the Avengers Compound in upstate New York. Although their comfort and looking out for you did minimal justice, it helped, to say the least, just not as much as you would've wished for. They had lost people that they loved too, so there was that similarity between you all. You felt alone, even though you knew you weren't- nor were you depressed. It was just a big open wound that would have to heal. And healing takes time. You hoped to eventually get over it, but you know right now, all you could think about was the fact that Peter wasn't with you.

You missed his laugh, his smile, his hair, his kind, loving and caring personality. You missed him. And you'd do anything and everything just to have him back, or at least to have a proper goodbye if this was fate.


You walked down the concrete path, away from the monument, with your hood up and head hung low. Tears were streaming down your face, but no one would suspect that you were crying unless you looked at them. Your hair was slightly being pushed back by the warm wind on a sunny day. But to you, it felt miserable. There was that certain weight that pushed against your shoulders that made it feel like a struggle to keep yourself upright. In your hands, as you walked, you carried a picture frame that held together with your favourite picture that you ever had taken with him. It was a picture of him and you on the couch in the Avengers compound, asleep in each other's arms. It calmed you. Remembering all the great memories you had made with Peter and this small picture, was what kept you from falling apart. Every time you looked at it, you always found yourself sadly smiling, reminiscing over the memories you had made, and when you were upset, or anxious, or just needed a sense of comfort, you'd take that picture and stare at it. Peter only brought you up in life. He always put a smile on your face, encouraged you to do great things, supported you and all of your achievements, and just took time to make sure that you were aware of how proud he was of you. It made you hopeful and optimistic. Maybe, just maybe, a miracle could occur and you could travel back in time to make sure Peter didn't leave. So that he could stay. With you, with Aunt May, with Tony. So that he could have a future.

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