seven - settling down

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You were scrolling through your Twitter timeline as you came across a post from Entertainment Tonight, mentioning your and Tom's name in the post, regarding his recent interview.

'Looks like British heartthrob, Tom Holland is making it clear he's willing to settle down in the near future! Whether that be with long-term girlfriend, Y/f/n Y/l/n or not, we'll surely be keeping an eye out to see if this wall-climbing Spider-Man decides to stay grounded, moving forward as a more mature actor.'

You slightly raise your eyebrows at the fact that made it seem hesitant that Tom and you were going to last, but all you could focus on was the main topic of the post. Tom wanting to settle down.

Of course, you knew it was probably all of the teenage fans who wanted to be in your place, dating him, but all of it couldn't help but make you think about the future. Marrying Tom, moving and buying a bigger house with him, and maybe eventually having little spawns of your own running around. It made your heart swell and ache- in a good way, just envisioning what the future may hold for Tom and you. 

You were sat on the light greyish-beige couch that was placed opposite of where Tom usually sits to do virtual press and interviews, wrapped up in one of the hoodies that smelt too much like him, along with a grey fuzzy blanket. It was rainy today in Atlanta, and unlike usual, you were purchased inside Tom's trailer instead of onset. Usually, you'd be right beside him, watching everything piece together and fall into action, but decided because of the weather, you'd rather be sheltered- all cozy and warm. You had lit a few candles and turned on calming music through the stereo system to help enhance the mood. Along with your cozy outfit that consisted of Tom's hoodie and a pair of shorts underneath, you had picked out your favourite pair of fuzzy socks.

Taking your attention away from your phone, you look up to see the door of the trailer opening, revealing a completely drenched boy. You set your phone down beside you and immediately smile at the sight, standing up and walking over to your boyfriend.

"It's really bad out there, hey?" You ask, referring to his wet clothes and hair.

He let out a laugh, "Yeah, no kidding. Fuckin' downpouring out there." He leaned in, giving you a few quick pecks on the lips and loosely hugging you- trying not to get you wet. His arms slide from you as he walks away, going down the narrow hallway to where your shared bedroom was. You watch him walk away, before going back to sitting down on the couch. You throw the blanket over you again and lift your feet up to make the fabric tuck underneath you. Shortly after, Tom comes back and is changed into a pair of grey sweats and the iconic pink hoodie, everyone knew too well from his Instagram stories. He was wearing mid-calf socks and had pulled them over his sweatpants- something common that he did when he was trying to stay warm, and you have pulled away from your phone again, watching him approach you with open arms. He walks up to you, before flopping down on top, but bracing his arms on either side of you to make sure he doesn't actually hurt you. Bending his arms to lower onto you, his head is purchased on your chest and you arch your back slightly, allowing him to wrap his arms around you. You bring your arms into his still wet and curly brown hair, lightly raking your nails across his scalp. You feel him relax into you, nuzzling his face closer to you and humming in content.

"So I read a post from your recent interview." You dragged out softly, bringing Tom's attention to you. He lifted his head, chin resting on your breasts as he looked up at you with puppy-like eyes.

He hummed in a way to tell you to continue, "Mmh, yeah? Same old same old, probably nothin' new." Tom mumbled, eyes and facial expression droopy and tired.

"Welllll, not exactly," You began, trying to hide your smile. You see his facial expression change from a drausy, tired look- to an attentive worried expression.

"What do you mean? Did I say something wrong? Was it okay with what I said? Wait- what did I say?" He started questioning, panicking that he had sincerely said something wrong.

You laughed at how cute and worried he looked and brought your arms up to his shoulders, pulling him back down to your chest to hug you, "I just read how you said you could see yourself settling down in the near future, and.." You trailed off, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks in embarrasment. Tom was quick to piece things togther, still looking up at you his lips formed into an "o" shape in realization.

"W-was that okay? I mean there's not much we can do now- I'll make sure not to mention it aga-" Tom started rambling before you ran your one hand through his hair and he melted into your touch, and stopped talking.

"You really wanna settle down soon? And like- get married and have kids?" You whispered, happy-tears brimming the bottom of your eyes.

Tom cooed at your question, leaning down to give you a tight hug on to couch, "A thousand-times yes, baby. We'll get married when the time is right- find a city or town or country we want to live in and then we'll buy a house there. Of course we'll have little mini me's running around too eventually. I was thinking two or three but it's up to you really- as long as you're the mother to my children." He smiled. All you could do was push his head down, and hug him tight. Too many emotions running through your body to say anything.

This man was your everything and he was the one you wanted to settle down with.

A/N: hope you enjoyed this little blurb that i thought of after seeing tom say in an interview that he wants to settle down :')

- liv <33

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