sixteen - vacation

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sitting on mattress, with your back against the headboard of your bed as you scroll through your social media page on your phone. with your blue light glasses resting on your nose, preventing you from straining your eyes, you push them up with your pointer finger as they had slipped down.
with tom on your right side, laying down but head propped up with his pillow, he had one hand behind his head while the other scrolled through his own feed.

as you scrolled down your instagram, your screen was filled with pictures of your friends and other celebrities in tropical destinations, enjoying themselves with their significant others at the beach with cocktails in their hands. having enough of seeing everyone enjoying themselves, you turn off your phone, letting it rest on your chest, as you sigh, grabbing tom's attention from beside you. following your actions, tom then turns off his phone, placing it on his side table, before turning on his side to look at you.

"what's up, baby?" he asked, head resting on his hand that was on his pillow. you turn your head to look at him, tiredly smiling at the cute boy in front of you, that you were lucky enough to call your boyfriend of three years.

you hum, slowly blinking, "mm, nothing. i just could really use a vacation, right about now." you said, making a smirk appear over tom's face, making you furrow your eyebrows. "what?"

"oh, nothing. is miss y/n implying she wants to go on a vacation?" he asked teasingly, scrunching his nose at you. you roll your eyes playfully at tom.
"well, all i'm saying, is that it would be nice to maybe spend some time together away from everyone." you counteract.

"hmm, alright then. what were you thinking?" he questioned, lifting his head up so his elbow was bent underneath his head, holding him up on his pillow. mirroring his position, you lean forward placing a loving kiss on his lips. when pulling away, a bright smile (that tom loves so dearly) never leaving your face.

"really? well, if you aren't opposed to it, i was thinking either fiji or the bahamas, maybe. i've never been before, it'd be so fun and romantic." you gush, scrunching your nose as you envision the getaway.

"doesn't matter to me, babe. any vacation with you is a vacation of a lifetime." tom replied, lunging forward to tackle you with an enormous hug and peppering your face with kisses, inching down to your neck, leaving more loving, intimate kisses.
you push him back, breathing slightly irregular.

"we'll figure it all out in the morning, handsome. in the meantime, maybe we should continue whatever you've started." you smirked, while giving tom a "boop" on the nose and wink.

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