nine - closure

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a/n: this was requested on my tumblr !! feel free to send in a request by messaging me on here or sending me an ask on my tumblr !!

There were approximately two days until the second anniversary of your mother's death, and all week, you couldn't help but feel a certain weight on your shoulders, weighing and pushing you down.

It was hard, to say the least. It took you by surprise and left you shattered into millions of pieces, not knowing what to do with yourself now that one of the most influential people in your life, was gone. She was your role model, your biggest supporter, and helped you at any given point in time. She would do anything and everything for you, and you did the same. When you lost your mother, it felt like you lost yourself, or a piece of your heart was ripped out of your chest right on the spot- leaving you hopeless, upset, and not knowing what to do with yourself. A couple of months before her passing, you had gotten into a relationship with British actor Tom Holland. He was a blessing, a pure angel sent down from heaven. Your mother adored him, she thought he was the best thing on the planet and thought he was perfect for you. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to see your relationship with Tom flourish, and that's what broke your heart the most. Besides losing your mother, her passing even took a toll on Tom and you could visibly see that he was affected by it, probably just as much as you. You wished she could be here with you to experience the milestones she once did when she was your age, but you knew that she would always be around you, watching from above. It pained you to know that she wasn't going to be able to see you on your wedding day, or when you had your first of many children, but you always seemed to tell yourself that she was with you, every step of the way. Over the last year, you had seen what everyone deems to call, signs from the universe. First, it started as seeing bouquets of her favourite flowers and seeing things that correlated with her life, then you started hearing your mother's favourite songs and more close, meaningful things that reminded you of her. You knew it was a sign, telling you, it's going to be okay. But you couldn't help but still grieve and reminisce over the loss of your mother.

You were sat at the dining room table of your apartment, silently eating with Tom. Luckily, he had booked some time off to be with you for the anniversary, as he knew you needed extra loving around this time.

You had eaten the majority of your food that you had cooked from Tom and you, but by now you were picking at the last few pieces on your plate. You were too focused on moving your food around your plate with your chin rested in the palm of your hand to even notice that Tom had completely suctioned his food back.

Tom, however, couldn't take his eyes off you. Not in a romantic way, but with concern. He looked at you sadly, knowing how much this still had affected you. With his eyebrows furrowed down in sympathy and a slight pout to his mouth, he reached his hand out to your free one and placed it on top of yours, and wrapped his fingers around your skin. "Hey," he called out softly, making your attention shift from your plate to Tom. Meeting his eyes and taking in his features, you see him already looking at you. "I, uh- I know you're upset because of what's coming up." He started, being mindful and wary about the words he spoke, knowing it was a hard topic for you to talk about. "But, baby, it makes me so sad that you're this upset, still. And just think, that your mom wouldn't want you to be this sad." He said sympathetically. You huff out a breath, knowing already that he was going to say this, as he did every year. You were thankful for him being there for you, but sometimes his comfort got repetitive.

Not that you were taking it for granted, you just didn't want to be pitied or treated differently because of the events that had occurred.

"I know, I know." You exasperated. You push yourself backward in the chair, giving you enough room to stand up and take Tom's and your plates to clean. Tom followed instinctively, trailing behind you, in your footsteps. When you got to the sink, you started washing the leftovers off of the plate, absentmindedly handing them to Tom who was beside you and he took the plates, opening the dishwasher and placing them in. "It's just hard, and I know you understand, but I just sometimes don't know what to do with myself."

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