one - i'll be home for christmas

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a/n: listen to "i'll be home for christmas" by micheal bublé ! merry christmas

i sigh, sitting down on the couch with my warm mug of peppermint tea, in the shared apartment of my three year boyfriend tom holland. we had moved in after about two years of dating, and let's just say the past year living with him had been absolutely nothing but pure joy and happiness. waking up next to him to see the morning sunlight beam onto his face, getting to kiss him every single hour of the day, and receiving endless amounts of cuddles from him, really made me miss him.

it was a week from christmas, and tom was away in atlanta filming his third spider-man movie. although we facetimed every day before going to bed, it wasn't the same as actually getting to kiss him goodnight, and having his arms around me as i slept through the night. the distance was starting to get to me. i just missed him so much. and to make it worse, he didn't know if he would be home for christmas.

i was nervous to say the least. i didn't want to spend christmas alone, even though i'm sure i would be welcomed at the holland's house. christmas without tom just wouldn't be the same. we had met each other five years ago at a christmas party, and so christmas and this time of year has a special place in our hearts.

i place my mug on the sidetable that was on my right, and grab the tv remote, turning on netflix to put on the grinch. christmas movies were my comfort movies, they cheered me up when i was down, and because i was upset over tom and the fact that i may not be able to see him, i knew watching one of my favourite movies would maybe help. i pull the throw blanket from the back of the couch, over my lap and get comfortable before starting the movie.

the movie had now ended, and i had finished my tea as well. checking my phone that was on the coffee table in front of me, i turn it over to check the time, only to see it was eleven thirty. i yawn realizing i was more tired than i thought, before i stand up from the couch and fold the throw blanket, then grabbing my mug and walking into the kitchen to rinse it out and put it away in the dishwasher. walking back into the living room, i grab my phone and blow out the candles i had lit previously. before i turned the lights off and was off to bed, i took one last look of the living room. the tree that was lit with warm white lights and that had ornaments hanging from it. it had presents under it from family and friends, and my presents for tom were under there as well. i let out a breath, before turning the lights off and walking out to our shared bedroom.

once i was done getting ready for bed, i had changed into one of tom's hoodies he had left for me and a pair of shorts to go with it. i walk over to our bed, pulling back the covers and slipping into bed. i prop my pillow up so i had some back support, i turn my phone on to see a text message from the one and only tom.

tom <3
can't facetime tonight, my love. but call me when you can xx

i sadly smile at the text, missing him even more after he put "my love". it really pulled at the heart strings. i pull up his contact and press the call icon, the keypad coming up before i brought my phone up to my ear. it rang about three times before he accepted the call and my ears were welcomed to the voice i missed so much.

"hey sweetheart," he said. i could hear the smile through his voice. "how are you?" he questioned.

"hi my love. i'm good, i miss you though." i replied sadly, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"i know, i know." he exasperated. we both could tell how much the distance had been affecting us. when we were together, we tended to be very clingy, and so being away for such a long time, it really took a toll on us both. "i still haven't heard anything from management though, so let's stay optimistic."

"yeah, it's just hard tom. i miss you so much." i said, my voice starting to waver as i said the last bit. i was trying so hard not to cry, but words could not explain how much i missed the love of my life.

"and i miss you more, darling. trust me. not a day goes by where i don't think about being home with you." he said from his side of the call.

"same, baby. i just want to be with you. but, anyway. it's late here i should probably go to sleep." i said, adjusting so i was now laying down in our bed.

"okay, sleep well my love. i love and miss you so much. more than you could ever imagine."

"goodnight tom, i love you too." i said back.

"i'll see you before you know it." he smiled through the phone, before hanging up.

after hanging up and plugging in my phone, i was quick to fall asleep.


but for tom, that was a different story. after he hung up, the voice over the intercom of the atlanta airport spoke that his flight home was boarding.

walking up to the gates, he grabbed his ticket from his pocket and had it scanned by the flight attendant.

what you didn't know, was that tom was surprising her for christmas. all this time he said he wasn't sure if he would be home, but in reality, he was planning on the surprise.

the flight was supposed to be about eight hours, so as tom sat down in his window seat, he got comfortable for the long flight ahead.

after the eight hours of flying, tom had finally arrived home to see you. once his luggage was collected, he ordered an uber to take him back to the shared apartment.

the ride was quick since there wasn't that much traffic, and before tom knew it, the uber was parked outside the front of his house. he thanked the driver, paid the share and then grabbed his luggage from the trunk, walking up to the door, grabbing his keys to unlock the door.

he tried to be as quiet as possible, since it was a surprise after all. once he got in, he set his luggage aside. it was only nine in the morning, so he knew you'd still be asleep and so as he made his way to your shared bedroom, he took in the delicate christmas decorations put up by you. when he finally made it to your bedroom, he quietly opened the door, only to be welcomed to you peacefully sleeping in one of his hoodies. tom's eyes filled with tears, just at the sight of you actually being in his presence.

he then walked over to his side of the bed, and sat down, facing you. he took in your beautiful features he fell in love with when he first met you, and thought to himself about how peaceful you looked. getting straight to the point, he softly place his hand on your back as you were sleeping on your stomach, and he began rubbing his hand up and down your back.

you then began stirring in the bed, and a smile immediately rose on his face, before he say your eyes start to flutter open. once they were fully open, working a second you shot up.

"TOM?!" you shrieked, basically tackling him into such a tight hug, tom swore he could've stopped breathing. "what are you doing here?!" you said in disbelief, pulling back from the hug and looking into his eyes. you placed your soft hand on his cheek, lightly caressing it with your thumb.

tears began to fall from your eyes because you simply couldn't believe tom was right there in front of you. without any hesitation, you attached your lips to tom's. after months without kissing him, you finally got to feel the butterflies erupt in your stomach that you hadn't felt in so long. you finally got to feel his hands slide up to hold both sides of your face as he kissed you with so much passion. you finally got to feel him take the kiss to the next level, deepening the kiss and allowing your tongues to enter each others mouths as he pushed you back onto the bed and so that he hovered over you, still kissing you.

when you pulled away, the two of you held eye contact before bursting into happy laughter. tom relaxed his arms and laid on top of you. wrapping your arms around him, and bringing one of your hands to the nape of his neck, playing with the hair that was there, you whispered into his ear,

"this was the best christmas gift ever."

A/N: hey guys! welcome to my first imagine! i hope you enjoyed this christmas themed imagine, more christmas imagines coming soon! this is also going to be posted tomorrow on my instagram @/hollandstaste!

WC: 1545

lots of love,

liv <33

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