ten - late nights

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a/n: this was requested on my tumblr where i also post blurbs & oneshots! if you have a request, check the link on this page & choose the request option on my navigation post!

The loud wails of your newborn baby girl stirred you awake in your bed, yet again. Looking at the clock on your side table, you let out a groan and throw your head into your pillow, face down, seeing it was just past three in the morning. This was the fourth time being woken up, just in the past hour.

You run your hands over your face and into your hair, pushing it back with frustration. You were beginning to think you weren't ready or prepared for this whole "parenting" thing. You had tried everything that you could think of. Changing her diaper, cuddling her and rocking her, feeding her- none of it was working. It had gotten to the point, being so frustrated and close to giving up, that you almost considered trying the method your mother had suggested to you;

Letting her cry herself to sleep.

You tried it, but it only lasted a mere minute before you were quick to be by her side, not being able to stand the sounds of your baby upset.

You sigh as you sit up, throwing your legs to the side, off your bed to touch the fuzzy rug against your bare feet. Coming to your senses while still sitting in your queen size bed, you look over your shoulder to see your husband, Tom, fast asleep. You really envied him for being able to sleep through the sounds of his daughter crying, but you had that mother instinct as every mother did, to be right there in the time of need.

You get up from your bed, walking towards the door that was partway open, trying to be mindful that there was still one sleeping family member in the house. You walk down the hallway a few steps and push open the door to be welcomed by the loud cries of your daughter. Every time she cried, in the past month that she's been in the world, your heartbreaks. It was the absolute worst thing to experience and all you wanted to do was take her pain away. You walk in further, seeing your baby on her back with a blanket snuggly wrapped around her. Her mouth was open, letting out tired cries, and you, even yourself, noticed tears filling your eyes and a lump growing in your throat. You wished she could just peacefully sleep, without having to wake you up in the late hours of the night, but nobody ever gets what they want, right? You pout at her and reach down to take her blanket wrap off of her before lifting her up and throwing that same blanket over the top of her and over your shoulder. You placed your daughter up against your chest, with her head resting on your shoulder and you hugged her close to you.

Your daughter cooed and made little noises when you picked her up, but continued to cry as you held her. You began pacing and wandering around the nursery, bouncing up and down in hopes of soothing your upset baby, but just like before- you had no luck. You tutted and shushed her, rubbing her back up and down with your hand, praying that you could get some peace and quiet so you could sleep.
Since the bouncing wasn't working you decided to try rocking her to sleep and so you sat in the rocking chair that you and Tom had placed in the corner of the room when decorating.

You pull the knitted quilt off the back of the chair and throw it over your lap and begin rocking slowly in the wooden chair. But of course, it was no luck and much to your dismay, she kept crying.

"C'mon, babygirl." You complained quietly into her ear, knowing she wouldn't understand but still trying to encourage her to relax. "Mommy just wants to sleep and you're keeping her up." You said to your daughter, you rubbed up and down her back, still trying to soothe her in hopes of the crying to stop, but it seemed like nothing was working. You throw your head back and tears well in your eyes, a few spilling out and sliding down the side of your face.

"Why doesn't Mommy give her lil' ducky to her Daddy, so she can get some rest?" You heard from in front of you, looking up, only to see Tom leaned up against the doorframe of the nursery. Your lips turn down as you frown, in a good, loving way at the sight of the love of your life, here to hopefully save the day.

Although your daughter had only been in the world for around a month, she was quick to find a favouring to Tom, being Daddy's little princess. Tom absolutely adored it. You could tell from the moment she came into this world and into Tom's arms in the hospital, he was going to do anything and everything for his little girl. He pushed himself off of the archway and made his way over to where you were sitting. As he walked you looked him up and down, taking in his appearance of messy hair, no shirt, and grey sweatpants-like shorts.

When he was stood in front of you, he reached down to take his daughter from you, pulling her into his chest, and began bouncing her, while pacing around the room. You watched them carefully, seeing that it was only seconds before your daughter stopped crying. Your mouth dropped open as you still were sat in the rocking chair with all of the things you had tried to get her to sleep. You couldn't help but feel upset that it took you so much effort to try to get your daughter to fall back asleep, yet for Tom, a simple lap around the nursery did the works. Once Tom made sure your daughter was fully asleep, he placed her down back in her crib, wrapping her up in the baby blanket like you had taught him and leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead and saying goodnight.

He then walked over to you and grabbed your hand- pulling you up so you were standing. You fold the quilt, throw it over the back of the chair to where it belongs, and then follow Tom's lead as he walks out of the nursery. You close the door to the room, quietly and leave a small amount of the door open in case she needed attending to again. When you made it back to your bedroom and slid into bed, Tom was quick to pull you into his chest, like what he did with your daughter, and wrapped his arms around you, protectively. You reciprocated and had your arms around his bare chest, and nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck. He stroked your hair and placed small, delicate kisses on the top of your head, soothing you and helping you doze off.

"It's not fair, Tom." You spoke quietly, as you leaned away from him to look him in the eyes. "What do you mean, baby?" He asked, confused at your sudden complaints. "It's not fair that- that you just get to waltz your way into her room and put her to sleep when I've been trying to do just that for the past four hours. If it was that easy, why didn't you just come to help?" You croaked, a lump growing in your throat as you were about to cry, "I'm just so exhausted, Tom. And it was so easy for you to put her to bed, while I struggled, having only three hours of sleep."

Tom tutted his tongue and shushed you, pulling you back into his chest, stroking his hands up and down your back. "I'm just so tired and I feel like I'm not a good Mum. Like, what kind of Mum can't put her own child to bed." You scoffed into Tom's skin.
"I'm gonna stop you right there, Y/n. You are an amazing mother, you're the reason she's here and alive, you're the reason she eats and you're the reason why we had her in the first place, so don't you go around here, saying how bad of a Mum you are, because you're anything but that." He said into your ear, holding you tight. "You've given me everything I could have dreamed of, Y/n. Everything and more. And I'm forever grateful to call you my wife and mother of my child and hopefully children. Okay? So don't you ever doubt yourself as a mother because you are perfect for me and for our daughter."

What Tom had just told you, had you in tears, crying into his neck as you hugged him even tighter, and leaning small kisses on his bare skin, "I don't know what I would do without you, bub. I love you."

"I'll love you forever, my love. And so does our little sunshine."

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