twenty - stargazing first kiss [ p.p ]

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a/n: requested on my tumblr !! enjoy <33 ps. not edited

"this was really nice, peter," you spoke up from the comfortable silence that laid between the two of you, your head resting on the soft material of his grey hoodie that covered his shoulder, "thank you, again."

with your arm wrapped around his forearm, you swing your arms back and forth as you walk along the lightly lit up sidewalk, leaving the ice cream shop you had just bought from.

peter and you had been on a few dates before this, gaining enough confidence to go out with each other, both finding a very fond liking of each other.

with peter earning the courage to ask you out after school about one month ago, after endless after school hangouts and study "dates", you agreed, internally freaking out over the fact that your crush on the brunette boy was actually beginning to go somewhere. there were countless amount of quick glances at each other, feeling your cheeks heat up and butterflies erupt in your stomach when your hands would brush against each other while passing things to one another, along with all the other sorts of things to make you fall for the beloved boy even more.

"yeah, of course, i- i really enjoyed it too." peter responded, glancing down at you and the way you leaned into him because of the brisk wind that was blowing in the air. you had just enjoyed a dinner at an old fashioned restaurant, sharing a milkshake and fries with peter, and then walked over to your favourite ice cream shop, getting two ice cream cones of each of your favourite flavours. now, walking down the streets of queens, pressed up close together with your hands intertwined. your night had been going just as planned, dinner and then ice cream, along with stargazing to finish the night off.

walking into the open field that you had been to plenty of times before, peter and you find a hill to purchase yourselves on, and sit down, cuddled up against each other because of the cool air circulating. you wrap your arm around peter's forearm, and let one of your legs fall over his own. tilting both of your heads back, you look up at the night sky, eyes adjusting to the darkness and slightly open your mouths at the astonishing view of the stars.

"hey, peter?" you broke the comfortable silence, breaking your eye sight from the dark sky, to meet peter's eyes- who were already looking down at you.

he wet his lips, slightly biting on his bottom lip while letting his eyes glance down to your lips and back up, he hummed, "mhm?"

"this was really nice- the dinner and ice cream and all." you told him. peter cocked his head back, furrowing his eyebrows together and squinting his eyes.

"yeah..." peter trailed off, confused that you repeated yourself, "you already said that."

"i know, i know. but, i just want to tell you how much i enjoyed it all." you explained, sitting up to be sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with the brunette.

"well, i'm glad." peter replied, giving you a tight-lipped smile. "i wouldn't want to be a bad date." he jested, looking down into his lap, making you giggle.

"you'd never be a bad date, peter." you assured him, leaning into his side and nudging his shoulder with your own. "if anything, you're the sweetest guy i know, and have been the only one to treat me properly." you complimented, watching peter's cheeks to warm and turn pink.

"well, thanks," he said. "and- you're great too. i mean- you're so pretty, totally out of my league, and you're so smart, i always worry that you'll out-smart me." he jested.

"thanks, pete. that's really sweet of you." you gush, hiding your face in his shoulder, but soon noticing peter had gone quiet. when you look up again, peter's already looking at you, but with a different look this time. he was mesmerized by the way you looked so flawless, without any effort. you were perfect in his eyes.

that same comforting silence that fell over you previously in the night, but this time, some sort nervousness had come over you- your breathing becoming irregular, hands becoming clammy. a piece of your hair had fallen down onto your forehead, and as you began to reach up to move it out of your face, peter was already moving it for you- leaving his hand to rest on the side of your face.

"can i kiss you?" peter questioned, catching you off guard, making you suck in a breath. you nod your head slowly, letting your eyes flutter shut before feeling peter's soft lips against yours. you both inhale, falling into the state of euphoria as you move your lips against each other. pulling away and licking your swollen lips, you both crack bright smiles at each other, and link your hands. you lean your head on peter's shoulder, looking back up at the stars, content and still taken aback from what just happened, you let out a happy sigh.

as you both snuggle close together, not only becoming instantly more comfortable with each other, but because of the seemingly colder air now hitting your warm bodies. as you look up at the open sky, that left you so breathless, like the boy beside you, you see a bright shooting star race across the sky, lighting up the endless darkness, before quickly vanishing. peter and you gush over the bright meteor, but to yourself, you think;

maybe the universe was sending you a signal that you were taking the right path down your journey.

tom holland | imagines ✧・゚Where stories live. Discover now