CHAPTER 6-Vim Vitae

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"What?!" I yelled.

"Oh honey it only makes sense" I blinked and shook my head. Nope I'm not dreaming, I thought.

The day had just begun yet it already seemed to be full of surprises. First I woke up to a change in my diet plan.

I'd sat down at the table expecting my usual glass of cool, freshly squeezed orange juice. Instead, gram had made something else. It looked like red wine but did something completely different to the taste buds. It tasted like sour lemons and steel yet surprisingly I couldn't make out it's exact scent.

When I asked why she said Leon had requested it.

I outright refused to take it but gram was adamant and although Leon sat down unmoving his gaze was a silent urge for me to try it.

I sighed grabbing a glass. I felt determined until the musty smell hit my nostrils. I had to choke down the urge to puke. I looked to gram shaking my head. She encouraged me saying it was good for me. She said it contained 'Vim vitae' I didn't bother to ask her what it meant as I plugged my nose and gulped it down.

Sometime during the course of drinking it, my hand had left my nose. Like magic, the smell and the taste no longer mattered. All I could feel was the ecstasy each gulp gave me, filling me with it's essence. I was no longer just in my kitchen with gram and Leon, I'd been transported to heaven. Words could not explain the delectable taste of the substance.

After finishing my glass I could still feel a buzz of excitement in my brain and mouth. I had to resist the urge to request for more, especially after the fit I threw before agreeing to have it.

"I drank it, happy?" Gram and Leon exchanged a secret smile as I left for the front door.

Just as I was about to leave, gram stopped me to deliver another shock. It feels like gram has been taking Aiden's side on a lot of issues lately...

"Why don't you two go together, you live together now and you go to the same school"


"Oh honey it only makes sense

"No way" I said. He goes to my school, shares a whole bunch of classes with me, lives in my house and now I'm supposed to go to school with him?! He's not even a lively person that I'd want to be with all the time.

"You know she's right oh look, he spoke

"I wasn't talking to you androi..." I stopped realising gram was still there. He really brings out the worst in me, sometimes it felt like I were a bull and he a matador, holding a red flag that screamed charge! And of course I always did.

"Stay out of it Leon" I snapped

"I'm leaving grandma, I have to pick Laurel up. Byeee" gram tried talking again but I wasn't listening.

"Wow are you serious?" Laurel gasped after I told her all that has happened that morning. I replied yes as well walked up the steps into the schools main entrance, the golden doors were already opened as students poured in and out.

"And what did you do?" Laurel continued as we walked through the halls towards our lockers

"What do you think I did, I left of course"

"Okay then but I still don't see why you're running away from him"

"I'm not running, I'm just being careful"

"Why" the bell indicating the start of first period rang through the hallways. Saved by the bell, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I would stay away from her till 3rd period when I had a class with her.

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