CHAPTER 12- Cold Blooded

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I stood staring at the exact spot he had been just moments ago, with one small but serious question on my mind.


This wasn't just a case of running away or disappearing into thin air. There had been no movement or vanishing effects. I was positive that I kept my eyes fixed on him so where and when did he go? It was as though he hadn't even been there at all. One second I was staring at a human form and the next it was just a black space.

"Alexa? Oh good you're still here, I thought you might've left with Aiden"

Even in my puzzled state my ears still perked up at the mention of Aiden.

"Why would you think that?" I asked, my eyes never moving from the spot before me.

"I saw him leaving when I went in"

That sentence was enough to pry my eyes away and onto Adrian's face.


"He was leaving when I went in, so I thought maybe he'd offered to give you a ride"

This couldn't be a coincidence, Aiden left when Adrian went in and the hooded guy appeared at that time. I went over that thought again.

Aiden leaves the party, the hooded guy appears.

Had I made a mistake by letting him off the hook so quickly? They had both dressed the same, except for the big black hoodie but he could've easily gotten that from his car then come to scare me or whatever it was he wanted to achieve. And no doubt he would be at home... Waiting.

From the day he set foot in our house, I felt the fear, the unease and the danger that radiated off him. It stuck to his aura like a leach. Now slowly, the fear was getting to me, the fear of the unknown.

"But why did it take you so long to get your keys?" I asked slowly as I true to control my voice which threatened to break.

Adrian chuckled before answering "You missed me that much? I was only gone two minutes"

"You mean like fifteen minutes" I said facing him.

"No really, I ran in got my keys and came right back out. But maybe I'll try to make it 30 seconds next time so you don't miss me so much" he finished with a wink.

But I couldn't comprehend anything he said. He wasn't making sense.

"Quit playing with me Adrian, you were gone way longer than that" I said with a nervous laugh.

"No really I glanced at the clock when I went in it was about 11:17pm and..."

I didn't wait for him to finish his sentence. I turned away, reaching for my phone in the small silver bag I had strapped on my shoulder.

I thought I was scared before, but my heart skipped a beat when I saw the time on my phone... 11:21pm. It had only been four minutes since Adrian left for his keys.

"Let's go"

"What's wrong Alexa, are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine" I lied "Let's just go"

Adrian looked like he wanted to speak again, but instead he led me into his car. I knew he could sense that I wasn't myself so he was thoughtful enough to stay quiet till he got me home.

"Alexa, are you sure you're fine" Adrian asked when we reached my doorstep.

"Yes I am" Another lie.

"Would you like me to stay with you a while? Or call Laurel to stay? I just don't want to leave you all alone tonight because you don't look very fine to me"

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