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You know that feeling?
When you wish to belong,
To be a part of something great? Well I do.

All my life I wanted to be as good as my parents, to leave the legacy they did, to be be influential and rememberable, to be the one people always looked up to even in times of trouble. I don't know what it was but they seemed brave, dauntless. I felt like they were heroes in an action movie.

Both my parents passed away when I was eight. It seems that happens a lot in stories doesn't it? Your life is going great but for some reason life's not happy about that so it unleashes some tragic misfortune on you just to make things interesting. Well the death of my parents was only the beginning, as time went on my life began to seem more and more like the stories I was told and the books I read.

I'm pretty sure y'all know what happens next. My parents left behind a huge fortune but it was all snatched away by greedy relatives, they all left... Even those who I had considered as friends and family turned their backs on me. They couldn't care less about a little girl who had just lost her parents. How could they have been so insensitive?

I was torn. Even as a little child I understood the pain and agony of losing one's parents. Days then months and finally years had gone by before I could bring myself to accept that they were gone… forever.

The only one who didn't leave was grandma, she took me in with her. Every other person only wanted custody of me because I was the only heir of my parents but as soon as they discovered there was no will...

Even in the present, I only had a few of their things and memories of them that would keep me going.

When I look back now I realize I was actually quite close to gram. I could tell by her actions that she loved me so much. Every morning she'd wake me up with breakfast in bed and she would make all my arrangements for school.

At night she'd tell me intriguing stories; not stories about her younger days and the world wars, her tales were different. She would talk about dragons and mythical creatures, demons and angels, good and evil, sometimes she would tell me about my parents.

She was no ordinary grandma, she even looked young enough to be my mother. I always wondered how she managed it but I later realised that many of our relatives looked younger than they ought to, so I dismissed it as a family gene.

I was twelve when I first had my suspicions about... Everything. 

Gram had received a phone call and she started to behave strangely, more than usual, not that I could blame her, grandpa had died weeks to my birth. Gram told me he had looked forward to seeing me so she felt sad that he didn't make it. After my birth she took me as a new source of joy but after mum left too, I could see how lost she was.

But then it was different, she would often speak in hushed tones and sometimes she'd stop speaking all together once I entered the room. She seemed worried, stressed and a bit scared. She even made up a business trip to Paris and told me to come along since she would love for me to see the city, but something told me that her sudden trip was actually related to the phone call.

My fathers parents were a completely different story, I'd never even met them. Gram told me that dad's mom was always against my parents relationship, in fact she would have completely hated me if I wasn't her son's only child. The only thing that connected us were the gifts she sent every year on my birthday. As for his dad... I didn't know much about him.

I didn't need them anyway, gram had given me all the love and care I needed, she made sure I never lacked anything.

Now when I look back at the sixteen years of my life, I can only feel pain, anger and rejection. After what I'd been through, I'd become strong, I built up a strong barrier around myself. I kept to myself so I wouldn't grow close to anyone then get my heartbroken when they left me, because that's the truth of life no one stays forever, in the end they all leave...

One thing that bothered me was the secret. I knew there was something and it was huge, I couldn't help but think that it was connected to my parents death and maybe even to me. I can't explain how I knew but it was a strong foreboding feeling of trials to come. Gram knew something, something she wasn't telling me, she knew it...

But if someone had told me then, what the secret was or that it would be such a major determinant of my future, my destiny… I would've never believed.

Authors Note: First Chapter out
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