CHAPTER 8-Hooded

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I felt weird.

My eyes had forcefully pried themselves open even though I wanted to continue my slumber. My first thought was to scan the room I was in.

I was in my room... Somehow.

Hadn't I been in school? And what had happened to Adrian? Had he brought me home?

My questions were quickly answered as I got off the he'd and balanced on my own two feet, or at least tried to. The pain I felt seemed to kick start my brain which reminded me of the earlier occurrences that day.

I sat back down and carefully took off the bandage around my foot. From what I remembered, the Injury seemed significantly smaller. My quick recovery from injuries or illnesses ceased to amaze me as it had been so for as long as I could remember.

I wrapped my foot back and walked to the door ensuring my steps were much lighter this time. I was started by the sound my the toilet in my bathroom being flushed. I paused and stared at the door when who could be in it. The door opened revealing Laurel.

“Alexa... You're up” she said staring at me then my leg with shocked eyes “And standing... On your own two feet”

I rolled my eyes at her theatrics “Yes Laurel, you know I heal fast”

She laughed.

“I'm so sorry... I just left and I got hurt and I guess I kinda passed out. Oh I was busy sleeping and you've been worried about me... Laurel I'm so so sorry”

“Ally chill! I'm not upset or anything. I'm just glad that you're okay” she paused looking at me with a mischievous going in her hazel eyes “And it's all thanks to Aiden”

“We are not having this topic now Laurel” I went to sit on the bed and she followed me doing the same.

“But I just want to know what your problem is with him. He hasn't done anything that could actually raise suspicions”

Yeah unless of course he's the hooded guy I thought wryly.
“Look Laurel everybody's got gut feelings okay, and my gut says I don't trust him that's it”

Laurel looked like she wanted to say something again but she was stopped by the door being opened and Aiden came in to tell us that our dinner had been saved and would get cold if we didn't come quick.

There was something... Different about him. He seemed more cold. I don't know why but I got a little worried that he might have heard what I said about him. But why should I worry, I thought, it's best if he knows exactly how I feel about him so he'll stay away.

Then again if he was really the hooded guy then he could come after me. I shook my fears away. I had no reason to fear him I told myself.

“Awwwn thanks Aiden, what'd you make?” Laurel asked him breaking the uncomfortable silence that seemed to only be between him and I.


“OMG no way, I love those” Laurel squealed like a little girl as she fast walked out of the room

I face palmed trying not to laugh at her childish behavior. When I looked up again Aiden was about to leave.

“Umm, Aiden wait” I stood up and went to meet him by the door.

“Thank you” I said quietly avoiding his eyes

“What for?” he looked sincerely puzzled.

“For bringing me home and taking care of me” I replied momentarily staring at him before I looked away again.

“Oh... Meh it was nothing. You're welcome though”

I tried to smile as I nodded and we both stood a while, quiet.

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