Chapter 17: The Snow Empress

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Popplio's P.O.V.

I was lying down on my bed, feeling my forehead all steaming up with a bag of ice on it. I was a total mess of a blushing face when Chairo kissed me on the lips.

Popplio: (This heat is killing me... Dang it, why am I blushing so much? Keep it together Popplio, it's just a kiss... a sweet kiss... a very loving- WAIT NO!! AAAGHH!!)

The ice on my forehead melted by the heat which I quickly threw away across the room and I cover my head with my pillow before screaming in it, after a while, I sigh and threw the pillow off of my head.

Popplio: *Sigh* "I haven't been this flustered ever since I fell for Litten... Wait, could it be that I-"

???: *Opens the door* "Yo Pops!"

Popplio: "Huh? Oh, hey Hyde."

Hyde: *Barks and groans* "You feeling better already?"

Popplio: "Yeah, I'm all good now. Did I miss something?"

Hyde: *Giggles* "A lot really. Chairo lift you up like a Cinderella while you were all red with a stupid smile! Here, I have a picture!"

Hyde shows me a picture on his phone, he was right, I looked so stupid in his arms which makes me blushes out of embarrassment and I hide my face using my other pillow.

Popplio: "I looked so stupid in front of him..."

Hyde: "Heh, you better believe that Litten was fighting with Chairo for who gets to lift you up to your room."

Popplio: "Huh? He was fighting over that?"

Hyde: "Yep! I can sense how jealous he is when Chairo lift you up, he's boiling!"

Popplio: "Oh boy..." *Starts blanking out*

Hyde: "By the way, you wouldn't believe what we were doing while you were out! You see, Comfey dare-"

I wasn't really focusing on what Hyde was saying, instead I was blanking out, staring into nothingness while imagining how Chairo was fighting Litten over me like in the fairy tale




Litten: *Roars out fire* "Hand over the princess to me!!"

Popplio: "Kyaa! Help me Prince Chairo!"

Chairo: "I will not hand over princess Popplio to you, evil dragon! She will remain close to her loving prince for the rest of her life!"

Popplio: *Eyes sparkles* "My hero~"

Litten: "You will regret this!! You will die by my claws!!"

Chairo: "Not today!! Hyaaah!!"

Popplio: "Go Prince Chairo! Defeat that dragon!"

(Author's note: Honestly, why can't I stop giggling writing her imagination? XD)




Popplio: *Giggles with a stupid smile* "Go~ My hero~"

Hyde: "And BAM!! Zorua almost hit the TV! Good thing it went through the open window!! Isn't that crazy?!!"

Popplio: "Hehe~"

Hyde: "Popplio?" *Snaps his fingers* "POPSICLE!!"

Popplio: "Ah! Oh, what is it?"

Hyde: "You were blanking out. Is something wrong?"

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