Chapter 1: Advice for a Good Start

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Chairo's P.O.V.

The world is safe from the gap that almost sucked everything away... But, at what cost exactly? Why does it have to be Shiro? She was very special to me... she has been there for me ever since we form a team with Master Sasuke... why... why does it have to end like this?

I could feel tears flowing out of my eyes and the cold night wind blew them and made my cheeks all chilly. I could only sit near the window while sitting in front of my so-called. "Pillow fortress." with no one around... I do miss her... my sweet Shiro...




Popplio's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the dining room while eating the cheri berry pie that Torracat cooked for me while across where I sit is Litten, he looked so happy with his sweet smile and his cute red face... but.... why do I even bother thinking about that? He is already with Brionne and they seem very close and lovey dovey... especially after yesterday when they decide to do a sleepover.

Popplio: *Burps* "That was good."

Litten: *Giggles while looking at his phone* "Aww Brionne~ You shouldn't have~"

Popplio: "Grr... Thanks for the food, Torracat." *Hops off her chair*

Torracat: "Oh! Popplio dear! Can you do me a favour?"

Popplio: "Hmm? What is it?"

Torracat was slicing the leftover cheri berry pie and put two slices on a plate and gave it to me.

Popplio: *Gasps and eyes sparkles* "F-For me?!"

Torracat: "No, these are for Chairo. I was worried because he hasn't eat anything all day and I was worried that he will starve."

Popplio: "Oh... you're right, I was worried about him as well..."

I looked up at the ceiling while frowning a bit, thinking of Chairo's condition.

Popplio: "There should be a hope for him to get over it..."



I arrived in front of the room where Chairo is before I open the door and saw him still sitting in front of his pillow fortress.

Popplio: "Hey, Chairo?"

Chairo: "..." *Looks over*

Popplio: "I... I thought you might be hungry so I brought these for you."

Chairo shook his head, seem to refuse her offer but then his stomach starts growling which made him blushes out of embarrassment.

Popplio: *Giggles* "Come on now, no refusing on some pies."

Chairo: *Groans*


Chairo's P.O.V.

That Popplio, atleast she cares for my condition. She walked over to my bed and sat down besides me and hand over the plate of pie slices. I grabbed the plate that she was holding and saw the delicious cheri berry pie. But oddly enough, there is like 1 and a half piece on the plate. I looked at Popplio in suspicious.

Popplio: *Scratches her head* "Hehe, sorry. I was a little hungry so I ate some of it..."

Chairo: *Sighs and starts eating the pie slowly*

I haven't eaten anything all day, so the pie somehow tasted very delicious. While eating, I took notice of Popplio grabbing the note I wrote to her that said. "You're in love" which is the note I gave her saying that she loves Litten, but it seems she was staring it out of sadness.

Chairo: *Pokes her cheek*

Popplio: "Huh? Oh... it's... It's nothing, really... I-I'm okay"

Chairo: *Shakes head, saying you're not*

Popplio: "It's... I don't know how to say it... Ummm..."

I could tell exactly that nothing is okay, and it must have something to do with Litten. I put my hand on her shoulder and stare at her into her eyes, telling her it's okay for her to tell.

Popplio: ... *Sigh* "Well... I'm actually giving up now... Seeing Litten is very happy with Brionne and all that, makes me think there is no other chance of him even taking notice of me... I just... I just think this won't work anymore. I'm so done!"

Popplio ripped the note into pieces before she curls into a ball and starts crying while hugging her knees.

Popplio: "It's... It's over... I give up.... If I keep loving him... It'll just hurt my heart..."

Chairo: "...." *Pats her head gently*

Popplio: "H-Huh...?

She looked over at me with her teary eyes, I started bringing out my notepad and my pen and writes down something. I ripped the note of afterwards and gave it to Popplio.

Popplio: *Sniffles and takes the note*

She read down the note that said. "This is not the end. You still have a chance to find someone worthy of your heart. And don't worry, I will support you because you are precious to me."

Popplio: "Ch-Chairo..."

Chairo "...." *Pats her head again gently before nodding*

Popplio: "I-I... I guess you're right, this is not the end yet..."

She folds the note before putting it into her pocket before she look up at me and wipes her tears before smiling.

Popplio: "Thank you, Chairo. I feel a bit better now..."

Chairo: *Nods*

Popplio: "Oh yeah, Chairo? I wanna see more of what you can do with those power of yours!"

Chairo: "...?" *Tilts head out of confusion*

Popplio: "Well, I saw you always make portals here and there, wood justu that time, all that stuff. But I wonder if there is more than that."

I thought about it for a bit about what jutsu I haven't show to her before. I decided to make some hand signs with my hands before Chidori starts to appear on my hand.

Popplio: "Woah! is that... Chidori?! You can do that too?!"

Chairo: *Nods*

Popplio: "Wow, that's pretty- huh?"

I grabbed my phone from my pillow fortress and showed her it's on 5% power, but then I slowly brought it close to the Chidori on my hand and the sparks on the jutsu hits my phone. I then showed her that it's now on 100% power.

Popplio: *Eyes widen in shock* "Whoa!! No way!! Sasuke already taught me that jutsu, why didn't I thought of it before!? Thanks a lot Chairo! I really mean it! Now I wanna try and test it!"

Popplio hops off from my bed and starts running out of my room to her own room, I sigh as my Chidori slowly fade away before I look out again at the window. Popplio is still as same as always, even know her heart is hurting, she is still the same girl that I remember. Seems like I've done well taking care of everyone, right... Shiro?

Popplio: *Screams from her room* "Wow!! It works!! My phone is really at 100% now!! I'm a walking phone charger!!"

Chairo: *Sighs and shakes head* (Good grief...)

To be continued.

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