Chapter 16: Truth or Dare Party

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Popplio's P.O.V.

It was in the middle of the night, I wasn't able to get myself some sleep after remembering what just happened today. I couldn't think about Chairo and it made my face couldn't stop blushing and I keep on rolling around my bed.

Popplio: "Nggh... Oh Arceus, why can't I sleep? This thought is bothering the heck out of me!!"

I tried to take my mind off of him with different thoughts. I should start thinking about sweets and sugars. Candies... Clouds... Roses... Chairo's smile... Hehe... Wait. Wait no!! Aagh!! What am I thinking!?

Popplio: *Blushes madly while rolling around* "AAAAAHHH!!! STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT!!! HE'S NOT CUTE!! Actually he is... WAIT NO!! AAAHH!!"



Meanwhile, Litten was walking down towards his room after getting a mug of hot chocolate but he heard me in my room with a confused look on his face.

Litten: "Hmm? Sounds like she's sleepwalking or something. Oh well, I hope she locked the door."





The next morning, I was walking towards the fridge with a heavy and sleepy look on my face. I didn't get enough sleep last night because I was busy thinking about Chairo.

Popplio: *Grumbles* "Dammit..."

???: "Popplio?"

Popplio: "AAAH!! Oh, hey Litten..."

Litten: "Are you alright? You seem pretty tired today."

Popplio: "No kidding Sherlock, I'm seriously tired. I'm having too many fricking thoughts last night."

Litten: "What were you thinking about last night?"

Popplio: *Blushes* "I-It's nothing, believe me."

Litten: "... It's not about Chairo, is it?"

Popplio: *Blushes madly* "N-No!! No way!! I'm not thinking about him!! Not in the slightest!!"

Litten: "Then why are you blushing?"

Popplio: "N-Nothing serious!! I uhh... Have a fever!! Yes, tha—"

???: "Popplio!!"

I suddenly feel someone hugging me from behind and nuzzles me by the cheek, I looked at who at is and to my surprised it was Chairo.

Chairo: "Good morning Popplio!! Did you sleep well?"

Popplio: ".... Hahaha..."

My entire face turns red instantly and my eyes starts making swirls before I fell down on the floor.

Chairo: "AAAHH!! POPPLIO!!" *Carries her on his arms* "HEY!! YOU OKAY!!?"

Litten: *Glares at him* "Grr..." *Prepares a tiny fireball*

Chairo: "Litten! Can you please help me? She's out cold!"

Litten: "... Hmph, do it yourself." *Walks off*

Chairo: "Awww man..."




I slowly open my eyes and saw myself lying down on the sofa, I got up and notice a compress on my forehead that was sticking on my forehead which I quickly peel it off.

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