Chapter 15: Flareon...

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Chairo's P.O.V.

I was pretty satisfied to have played some games with Hyde and incineroar. They aren't as bad as I thought they were. After Hyde went back home, I started cleaning myself in the bathroom since I haven't taken any shower today.

Chairo: "Hmhmm..." *Sings quietly* "Never fade... Never fade... This silhouette—"

The door suddenly start knocking.

???: "Hey... Chairo? Are you in there?"

Chairo: "Oh? Hey Popplio, what's up?"

Popplio: "Um... Could you, come to my room later? There is something I need to talk about."

Chairo: "Eh? Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Popplio: "Alright, thanks."

I could hear her footsteps as if she's walking away. Is it just me or does she sounds a bit down?

Chairo: "I hope it's not something serious..."



After I finished cleaning myself, I went to Popplio's room and I saw her sitting on her bed with a frown of her face, and there was a lump under her blanket besides her which is odd.

Chairo: "Hey Popplio?"

Popplio: "Oh... Hey Chairo, I'm glad you're here."

Chairo: *Sat down beside her* "Is there something wrong? You looked pretty down."

Popplio: "... There's something I wanna admit."

Chairo: "Hmm? What is it?"

Popplio: "Is Shiro... a great cook?"

Chairo: "Hmm? Well, yeah. Her cooking is great, I really enjoy the taste of her dishes. Although, I kinda miss it now."

Popplio: "... I... I'm really sorry..."

Chairo: "Huh? What for?"

Popplio: *Tears up* "Shiro... made a pudding for you before she passed away to celebrate the day you learned Chidori... But, I ate it without knowing it..."

Chairo: *Eyes widen* "You... what?"

Popplio: *Starts crying* "I'm so sorry! It was an accident, really! I didn't know it was Shiro's cooking until Torracat told me!" *Bows her head* "Please!! Don't kill me, I'm begging you!!"

I looked at her, bowing her head with tears falling off her face. It was a bit upsetting that she has done something like that. But since it was an accident, I couldn't blame her and neither does Shiro. I grab her chin and raise her head up.

Popplio: *Sniffles and look away*

Chairo: "Popplio? Can you look me in the eye so I can talk to you?"

Popplio: "I can't... I'm a monster... I'm a heartless monster..."

Chairo: "Popplio? Please?"

Popplio: "..." *Looks at him with teary eyes*

Chairo: "Listen, even know you ate it by accident or not, it won't change the fact that I still care about you. I know I'm a bit upset that I couldn't taste her cooking for one last time, but I know that she's happy that you enjoyed it."

Popplio: "Ch-Chairo... I..."

Chairo: *Hugs her* "There there Popplio, you don't need worry anymore. I still forgive you no matter what."

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