Chapter 8: A Noon With My Cat

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Popplio's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the sofa in the living room while Chairo was laying his head on my lap and he keeps nuzzling my lap and my stomach. I heard rumours that if a cat lies down on your lap, then you are blessed by the cat itself. But this? I'm not even sure if I'm even blessed or not.

Chairo: *Purrs while nuzzling her*

Popplio: *Groans* "My lap will go numb if he keeps laying down on me...."

Chairo: "Meeooww~"

Popplio: "Well, his meowing is kinda cute..." *Blushes and shook her head* "Agh no no no! Darn it! Stop thinking strange thought, Popplio!"

Litten: *Walks in* "Hey Popplio, still having problem with him?"

Popplio: "I wouldn't call this a problem, more to a simple burden." *Rubs Chairo's cat ear*

Chairo: *Purrs while smiling*

Litten: *Glares at Chairo* "I have a cage in the storage room; we can put him there so he won't bother you."

Popplio: "Uh... I don't think he will be comfortable with that."

Litten: "Oh I bet he would, won't you Chairo?"

Chairo: *Growls at Litten*

Litten: "Cih... What a bothersome."

Popplio: "Why do you look so eager to bring him away from me? I'm okay with this."

Litten: "You're okay with this? Wait... do you- like him?!"

Popplio: *Blushes madly* "Wh-What?! No! I-I... Well, agh! Just shut up!"

Torracat: *Walks in* "Hey dear, he still won't budge away from your lap?"

Litten: "Huh? Mom?"

Popplio: "Yeah... my lap is slowly feeling numb..."

Torracat brought something from behind her back, it was a stick with a feather and a bell attached to the other end

Litten: "Wait... isn't that-"

Torracat: "Chairo~ Come here boy~"

She starts wiggling the stick around to make the bell rings which caught Chairo's attention, he then jumps away from my lap and tries to grab the bell from the stick.

Chairo: "Meeow! Meeow!"

Torracat: "Good boy~"

Popplio: "Huh? What's that thing?"

Litten: *Blushes* "W-Wait Mom! Don't tell-"

Torracat: "Oh this? This is a cat toy. Litten used to love playing this toy when he's still little; he really tried his best to catch the bell."

Litten: *Blushes madly* "Why do you have to tell her, Mom...?"

Popplio: "Awww... that sounds so cute~"

Litten: "Sh-Shut up..."

Torracat: *Gives Popplio the cat toy* "Here you go Popplio. You can use this if he won't budge from your lap."

Popplio: "Yay! Thanks Torracat!"

I started wiggling the cat toy around and Chairo starts moving around, trying to catch the ball.

Popplio: "Hehe! This is fun!"

Litten: *Groans a bit* "..."

Torracat: "Alright then, we'll leave the house to you two."

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