Chapter 3: The Emo's First Smile

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Chairo's P.O.V.

Lunch time at last, that art class was such a drag knowing it was Miss Furret who was teaching the class, good thing no one's art explodes in there. I'm having lunch with my own group on our own table, I was having sushi this time and it reminds me of the time when my old group with Master Sasuke when we used to have sushi together at a Hot Spring, such memories...

Chairo: "..."

Zorua: "Hey dude? I know it was hard to let go of her, but you know we are always here for you, right?"

Tuki: "Yeah, I used to be so sad when my boyfriend passed away, but I know everything will be alright in the end."

Chairo: "..."

Snivy: "I don't really know how it feels to date someone, but I know for a fact that Shiro is happy as long as you are happy."

Shinx: "Yeah... please don't be sad forever Chairo, we're worried about you."

Chairo: "..."

Snivy: "Oh! How about we go hang out after school? I think my Mom can cook us some great food! Just... please don't try and bother my big sister..."

Tuki: "Hey, that's a great idea!"

Shinx: "Yeah! You wanna come over with us Chairo?"

Chairo: "..." *Shake his head*

Zorua: "Aww... why?! You usually never refuse when we started hanging out!"

I stopped eating my food before I bring out my notepad and pen and I started writing down something on it so they know why.

Snivy: "Is he trying to talk using his writing?"

Zorua: "Seems like it."

Chairo: "..." *Shows them the note that said "I appreciate your offer, but I have to help someone. I can't stand seeing her all gloomy."*

Tuki: "Her? Who is it?"

Chairo: "..." *Flips the note that has another writing saying "Popplio, she's having a hard time trying to get Litten out of her heart. She doesn't want to love him again, that's why I'm trying to help her*

Shinx: "Wow, i-is that really true? She's struggling trying to not loving Litten?"

Chairo: *Nods*

Snivy: "Wow, I always thought that Popplio and Litten like each other, who would've thought that she is trying to get him out of her heart."

The five of us looked over at where Popplio's group is sitting and saw Popplio was lying her face down on her table while looking pretty gloomy.

Snivy: "Aww... looks like it's not going well for her."

Zorua: "I hope you can succeed on helping her out, Chairo."

Chairo: "..."



Popplio's P.O.V.

I can only put my face on the table, mumbling very desperately. Out of all classes, why does it have to be Math? And more over, why's Mr. Lucario suddenly wants us to do a sudden daily exam? I can already tell that I'm screwed.

Popplio: "awjijsiwsiaokksjjhghghh..."

Comfey: "Come on Popplio, I'm sure you didn't screw things up in that exam."

Popplio: "If only I knew... I would've prepared myself sooner."

Hyde: "Well lucky I was able to finish it right! That was very easy!"

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